Chapter 32

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Kim was starting to show, and with each day Adam became more nervous about her on patrol, he constantly fought the urge to call her every hour. They hadn't discussed it much, the one time he brought it up she almost took his head off, and then within twenty burst into tears apologizing to him, pregnancy was making her crazy she joked.

He was hoping she would ask for a desk job soon, though Roman had been great and he promised Adam he would look out for Kim, it still drove Adam crazy with worry.

"Ruzek, you ok?" Halstead asked, he had been watching the man who was just staring at his cellphone for the last fifteen minutes.

"Yea, just, never mind it's nothing" Adam said tossing the phone on his desk. "Any new leads on the hit and run?" He asked. This case was becoming a thorn in everyone's side, the teenage son of a state representative had been rundown in the early hours of the morning and the unit was catching a lot of heat to get the case solved. They had no witnesses and the kid never saw the car coming, so they had nothing to go on other than it was an SUV based on the kid's injuries.

"Nothing, and I think this one is ice cold"Dawson chimed in.

Adam picked up his phone again, "Adam call her already" Lindsey said "we all know you want to"

" I'll just send her a text, she can't get mad at me for that can she?" He joked.

"Kid, she's pregnant she can get mad at you for breathing" Olinsky said.

Kim's phone buzzed, as she reached into her pocket "Roman, I swear if it's Adam again, I'm going to scream" she told Roman. She understood, Adam was worried, but damn she was pregnant not an invalid.

"C'mon Burgess, cut him some slac-" Roman started to say but was quickly interrupted.

"Don't even Sean, Adam's bad enough, you don't need to tell me to sit at a desk either" she snapped as she quickly replied to the text Adam sent. Adam was asking how she was doing for what seemed like the hundredth time in just a few hours. Her reply was pretty short just "I'm good".

"Burgess" Sean started to say, on this he agreed with Adam, maybe she should start thinking about getting transferred to a desk job, hell she could still stay at 21 but just get off the beat. Plus, Sean really didn't want to face Adam if God forbid anything happened to Kim.

"Sean, I get it you are worried and so is Adam, but I can handle this, I would never tell Adam to take a desk job." she explained.

"Yea, but Ruzek isn't the one who is pregnant, do it for me then, when DiMuccio had you Adam wanted to kick my ass, thankfully Olinsky intervened" Roman told her trying to lighten the mood.

"Just drive Roman" she told refusing to let him see that what he said struck a nerve and that he may be right.

Later that night Adam had gotten home before Kim, and he was exhausted. Sleep had been hard to come by, Kim never being able to get comfortable and constantly tossing and turning. It didn't take him long to fall asleep once he laid down, he was out cold he didn't even hear Kim come in.
She could watch him sleep for hours, it was one of the only few times he was actually still, and even in his sleep sometimes he talked. She loved him more than anything but he had the energy of a three year old, constantly in motion and his mouth always running. The joke around the IU would be that Kim would be raising two children Adam and the baby.
It was then she felt the slightest little flutter in her belly, and then another it was then she realized it was the baby kicking. "Adam, Adam, wake up, ADAM!" She yelled sometimes trying to wake him up was like waking the dead.

He woke up in a panic "Kim, what is it what's wrong is it the baby?" He asked the color draining from his face.

Kim sat beside him and grabbed his had placing it on her stomach, he looked at her kind of funny "just wait a minute" she told him hoping the baby had a few more kicks left in him and as if on cue "feel that?" she asked him.

"Yea, is that kicking?, is my boy kicking?" Adam asked, still convinced the baby was a boy, they still hadn't decided if they wanted to find out the gender at their next appointment.

"Yes, he OR she is kicking" Kim said.

"That's just amazing, darlin'" Adam told her kissing her, it started off as just a kiss but it quickly deepened.

"Why don't we take this to the bedroom, Ruzek" Kim said teasingly.

"Can we, you know, the baby, he won't mind will he?" Adam asked shyly, almost embarrassed.

"The baby won't mind, but I will if you don't follow me" Kim said as she headed for the bedroom.
It didn't take long at all for Adam to follow her.

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