Chapter 7

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Dawson, Halstead, and Lindsey continued their search, so far coming up empty. Halstead broke the silence "So Ruzek and Burgess, they what a couple or something?"
Lindsey glanced at him "Honest? I suspected it a few weeks back but it wasn't any of my business."
"It isn't any of our business, and it's not the time, you two!" Dawson scolded them. Antonio was worried about the patrolmen, his gut was telling him that something was wrong.
He kept walking focusing on the road, when something caught his eye, he threw his hand up telling the two with him to stop.
"That, is that what I think it is?" Dawson asked already knowing it was in fact what he thought it was. What laid on the ground was the star every member of the Chicago Police Department wore.
"You better call Voight" Lindsey told him, though it didn't need to be said, Halstead had already pulled his phone out.
"Hey Sarge, is Ruzek with you?" Halstead questioned.
"No, he's checking something out with O, why" Voight asked.
"Well, we've got something you need to see, I think it belongs to either Roman or Burgess, and I think they dropped it on purpose" Halstead relayed.
"On our way". Voight hung up and braced himself for Ruzek's reaction.
He whistled and both Olinsky and Ruzek looked up and headed towards Voight.
"Sarge, please tell me you got something, please" Adam asked.
Voight felt for the kid, it was obvious he loved the girl and it was clear as day he was out of his mind with worry. "I'm not really sure, Adam, but Halstead said they found something, he didn't say what it was though"
They hopped in the car and sped off to where the others were waiting.
Adam said a silent prayer, hoping it wasn't Kim's body they had found, he slumped over in the back seat his head in his hands willing the tears to not fall from his eyes.

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