Chapter 24

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Vito sat outside the apartment building that Adam Ruzek lived in, he was pretty sure the bitch lived with him which would make this a lot easier with them both in the same spot. The only part of his plan he hadn't figured out yet was who would eat lead first.
Sure, it would be fun to see him suffer if he shot the bitch first but that left him with no fun, so after carful consideration, he settled on offing Ruzek first.
It was after midnight, so he was certain that they would be asleep, carefully he picked the lock. He silently laughed at the ease in which he was able to pic it, for a guy who was cop his security was shit.
He quietly made his around the apartment a small flashlight his only source of light, it seems the bitch was quite the housekeeper as it was immaculate. He found their bedroom, "how sweet" he thought, the two bodies entwined while the slept. As he moved he knocked into a nightstand causing a lamp to topple to the ground. "Fuck!" He said just slightly louder than he should have as both Adam and Kim jolted awake.
"Adam!!" Kim yelled as he sat up, his body closer to the intruder.
Adam quickly used his forearm to push Kim behind him when he reached for his service weapon that he kept on the nightstand.
"Looking for this?" The intruder asked holding it up.
"Kim, get help and get out" he yelled as he lunged for the intruder, the two of them fighting for control of both guns. Punches thrown and both men fell to the ground, a shot ringing out and then another quick shot in succession.
An eerie quiet fell over the room, the silence broken by Kim's call to 911.
"Kim, Kim," Adam choked out the pain in his gut unbearable, it was so incredibly hard to talk but he needed to know. The intruder was also down, that he was sure of he knew he was shot, by who he wasn't sure his only guess was Kim.
"Please send an ambulance and the Intelligence Unit, Adam Ruzek has been shot, we had an intruder I shot him, I think he's dead, it's Vito DiMuccio, oh my god I killed him, hurry please" Kim hung the phone up throwing it on the bed rushing to Adam's side.
His formerly white t-shirt now red, his skin a shade of white she had never seen, she quickly grabbed a towel from the laundry basket beside her and placed it to his wound trying to stop the flow of blood.
"You.....ok....Kim...ok" Adam said faintly each word softer than the previous, his eyes getting heavier with each breath he took.
Kim cradled his head in her hands "shh, don't try to talk, baby, just stay awake" she pleaded.
"I.....I......lov" Adam tried to say only to fail when he finally succumbed to the shock his body was in.

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