Chapter 14

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The next morning Kim awoke before Adam, Adam looking really uncomfortable as he slept in the chair his legs hanging over the arm of the chair. He had refused to leave her side, still in the same clothes, she was going to make it her mission that he would go home today even if it was just for a few hours.
She enjoyed watching him sleep, she never thought she would find love, the kind that takes your breath away and brings the butterflies in your stomach alive.
From the moment he bumped into her, he had stolen her heart, only to be crushed when she found out he was engaged. The few times they had worked together it was so hard to be near him, wanting so much more than friendship with him. Then one night after a big bust, they all went out for a few drinks to celebrate and he told them all the wedding was off, that Wendy couldn't handle his job. It was hard not showing how happy hearing that made her, instantly feeling guilty.
It wasn't long after that they started seeing each other in secret, laughing to herself that it was no longer a secret.
A light tap on the door brought her out of the day dream.
Kim brought her finger to her lips "Shh, he's finally sleeping" she said pointing at Adam. "Come on in" she told her visitors.
Halstead, Lindsey, and Antonio walked in carrying flowers, each walking up and hugging Kim as best they could.
"How are you feeling?" Erin asked.
"I'm starting to feel better, the pain medicine helps but it makes me feel really groggy, other than that I'm on the mend"Kim told her.
Adam woke up when he heard the conversation, "Hey guys" he said standing up running his hand through his hair, still looking like hell.
"Ruzek, you ok?" Halstead asked taking in his friends appearance "looks like you could use a shower man" he joked.
"I've tired to send him home but he won't listen" Kim told them.
Antonio laughed " and that surprises you how, Kim?" they all knew how stubborn Adam Ruzek was.
"Tell you what Adam, you and the guys get out of here for a little bit, and I will stay with Kim and keep her company" Erin told them, she really wanted to talk with her friend, and get the truth not just what Kim was willing to tell Adam.
"No, no I'm fine" Adam pleaded, he didn't want Kim out of his sight, afraid she would disappear, he knew that was silly but it would take awhile to get over the events of the last few days.
"Babe, I'm fine please, you need to get out of here for a little bit, please do it for me" Kim said knowing he needed to be out of the hospital. She could see the worry in his face and she didn't know when it would leave.
Shrugging his shoulders he reached the bed and kissed her "fine darlin', you win but I won't be long just a few hours. I love you" he said kissing her once more and tucking a few loose strands of hair behind her ear.
Antonio grabbed his arm " Let's go Ruzek, Erin will take care of her, Jay and I will take care of you"
"You better" Kim joked and watched as Adam had to be dragged away from her bedside "go, get out of here" she told him.
"I love you" Adam said winking.
"I love you too" she replied, thankful that his friends had shown up and he was getting out for a little while.

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