Chapter 33

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Today was the day the could hopefully find out if Adam was right and the baby was a boy, they finally agreed that they would find out.

As they ate breakfast Adam couldn't help it he needed to get it off his chest "I know this isn't your favorite topic of discussion, but have you given an thought to transferring to a desk job, Platt said they could use some help at 21" he explained.

"Really, Adam, you've spoken to Platt?" She was pissed. " damn it, don't I have a say in this, I'm more than capable of making my own decisons" she said before going down the hall to their bedroom and slamming the door.

"Shit!" Adam muttered tossing his coffee cup in the sink breaking the mug "just fucking great" that didn't go as he had planned. He didn't mean to talk to Platt, just on his way out of the 21 the other night Platt asked, she needed help and the first person she thought of was Kim. It was pretty obvious to everyone but Kim that it was getting to the point where Kim needed to be at a desk.

Hell even Voight questioned Adam the other day, and when Adam explained what was going on, Voight sympathized with him, knowing sort of what Adam was going through.

Adam made his way down the hall, stopping in front of the door, he turned the doorknob only to find it locked. Exasperated he sighed "really Kim" he muttered to himself. He knocked lightly, "open the door, Kim, we need to talk" he was almost begging, he hated fighting with her.

"Go away Adam" she yelled, damn it if he wasn't right about this. She really wasn't mad at him, just she hated being treated like she would break.

"Please open the door, I'm sorry" Adam said hoping that would soften her a little bit, with that he heard the lock click and the door open.
Adam pulled her into a hug "I'm sorry, I can be an ass sometimes, I know it's shocking but even the great Adam Ruzek can be an ass he joked" he realized she was crying pulling back so he could see her "hey, don't cry" now he really felt like shit.

"No, I'm sorry, sometimes, I'm stubborn but I think you may be right"she told him "I will talk to Platt tomorrow, I hate being behind a desk, but I want to keep this little one safe" she told him.

As they waited for Dr.Hamonic to come in they anxiously awaited finding out what they were having.
"Be honest Adam, you'll be happy with a girl,right? Kim asked him knowing his heart was set on a boy.
"Really?, it doesn't matter but if it's a girl, I'm getting a bigger gun, and she won't leave the house until she is 30!" He joked.
Then he asked her "what about you, you care?"
She thought about it for a minute before answering "I'm happy no matter what, but the thought of a little boy following you around, wanting to be just like you, sounds really nice" then she continued "but you with a little girl would be just as amazing, and she would have you wrapped around her little finger" she laughed.
"Hey, what about names?" Adam asked he really hadn't thought about it much.
"Haven't given it much thought, once we know what is we can really start thinking" Kim told him.
Dr Hamonic walked "How is it going? I see everything still looks good, ready to find out what you are having?" he asked as he set up the ultrasound machine.
"Yes, doc, we are" Adam answered.
The doctor moved the wand across Kim's stomach pointing out the arms and legs "let's see, ah their it is, you are sure, right?" He asked one more time.
"Absolutely, sure" Kim responded.
"Say hello to your son" Dr.Hamonic said smiling.
"I knew it! Yes!" Adam said kissing a Kim.

"A little boy Adam, this is amazing" she said later that night as they laid in bed, she had already called her parents and they were thrilled their first grandson. "We really have to think about names" she said.
"My pops is pretty stoked, too already buying him a Blackhawks jersey" Adam laughed.
Kim looked up at him and asked a question she had been dreading asking him "what about your mother Adam, have you even told her yet?" She knew things had been strained between Adam and his mother and that was putting it nicely. When Adam was a little boy his parents divorced, his mom just walking out on Adam and his dad.
"I don't really want to talk about her right now, we need to figure out a name for our son" he paused and then continued "our son, that sounds amazing"
"It does, doesn't it, but he still needs a name" Kim said.
"Well, and tell me the truth if you don't like it, what about Adam James, obviously James after your dad?" Adam asked.
"What about your dad?" She asked, not wanting to leave his dad out.
"Well by father is Adam Robert, and he's always been called Bob" Adam explained.
"Adam James Ruzek, I like it" she told him.
"You'd give him my last name?" He asked
"Why wouldn't I, your his father" she explained.
"Darlin', I love you" Adam said kissing the top of her head.

That night as Adam watched Kim sleep he decided it was time to as Platt said "put a ring on it"

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