Chapter 29

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It's not possible Kim thought, right? She wasn't pregnant was she, as soon as she got home she pulled up the period app on her phone. As it loaded so many different thoughts raced through her mind, as it loaded the information came across the screen and reality hit her "4 weeks late" it read.
"Oh my god..." She spoke sitting on the edge of the couch, "calm down Kim, this doesn't mean anything" she tried telling herself only to laugh nervously.
She needed to get a pregnancy test, grabbing her keys she headed to the pharmacy two blocks away, quickly grabbing the first one she saw.
She barely spoke to the cashier, not normally one to not speak to someone who was helping, but she was unable to form any words. It was safe to say she was in a bit of a panic.
She's was home within twenty minutes, and took the test almost immediately. The next few minutes seemed to last for hours, slowly she walked back to the bathroom to see the stick she rested on the counter top. It took her a few attempts to actually step,close enough to see the results, finally she did.
She glanced at the directions again, wanting to be clear on what she was looking at a + meant she was pregnant a - meant she wasn't.
"Here it goes" she was talking to herself now "just great Kim, you're going crazy too and you're pregnant" she finished seeing the bright blue +.
She just sat on the bathroom floor in shock, sure she loved Adam more than anything, she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. She was pretty sure he felt the same way they never discussed it, their relationship kind of on fast forward. They had only been with each other a few months when, she was abducted and they moved in together and then Adam was shot, to say the last eight months had been crazy was the understatement of the century.
"Pull it together Kim, Adam will be home in a few hours, figure this out" she said to herself knowing she needed to tell him. It dawned on her "does he even want kids, does he like them?" she said aloud.

"Ruzek, you're bad luck, we hadn't been this dead since before you got shot" Dawson joked, literally nothing was going on leaving them all stuck doing paperwork.
"Way to go Ruzek, what a buzz kill, man" Halstead piled on following Dawson's lead.
"Yea, yea, you want me to go catch some more lead, boys, liven things up for you both?" Adam asked frustrated since he was clamoring to see some action.
Voight came out of his office "let's call it a night, nothing going on here."
"Thanks Boss" Halstead said, tossing Lindsey a look that went unnoticed by Voight.
"My house?" Halstead whispered to Erin his voice barely audible but she heard him loud and clear.
"About an hour" she told him winking at him as she walked by.

Adam stepped out of the elevator, walked down the hallway to their apartment, opening the door the living room was empty, he made his way to the bedroom figuring she was in bed.
She laid on top of the bed out cold, he grabbed a blanket from the closet and stepped forward to cover her with the blanket. When he noticed something clutched in her hand upon careful inspection he realized it was the box to a home pregnancy test.
He carefully pried it from her hand, and sitting down on the bed his weight causing the bed to shift.
"Mmmm Adam" she said softly "you're home early" rubbing the sleep from her eyes,once they focused she saw what he was holding in his hand.
"Did you take it yet?" He asked her staring at the box, turning it around his hand without even realizing it.
"Umm, yea, I did a while ago" she said nervously, she wasn't afraid to tell him, just worried since it wasn't something they had talked about at all.
"And?" Adam asked, he really wasn't sure what he wanted, he knew he loved Kim and he wanted to marry her, as a matter of fact he'd been saving money and looking at rings. "Kim, what did it say, you can tell me anything and we will deal with it, together" he told her placing is hand on her leg.
"It said...." She paused placing her hand on top of his " it says I'm pregnant" no sooner the words out of her mouth his lips on hers.
After a few minutes, breathless they separated Kim looked at him "talk to me, is this" she said, motioning to her stomach "a baby, is that ok."
Adam pulled her on his lap, his hand resting on her stomach "no, it's not okay" he couldn't resist, though he felt Kim stiffen and tense in his lap "it's amazing" he said kissing her once more. He had to admit to himself that he really hadn't thought about kids with Kim until Olinsky cracked that joke earlier. The more he thought about the more he liked it and he was excited.
"Just think a little me running around, how cool would that be darlin'" Adam told her.
"So, you aren't mad, this is something you want?" Kim questioned.
"Of course, sure we may have done it out of order a little bit, but this is great" he told her.
That night as they lay in bed, Kim's mind was racing unable to stop thinking long enough to fall asleep, she turned to face Adam. His face was peaceful as he slept, she smiled, thankful he was finally at peace with what happened to her and Vito DiMuccio. She reached up and caressed his face, he shifted a bit and slowly his eyes opened.
"Hey" he said his voice groggy "everything ok?" He asked her.
"I was just thinking how lucky I am" she replied.
"I'm the lucky one darlin', so very lucky" he told her as she laid her head on his chest.
"Babe, let's not tell anyone yet, let this be just ours for right now" she told him knowing everyone would be happy, but it would change things for sure.
"My lips are sealed" he told her as he drifted back off to sleep.

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