Chapter 25

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The phone just kept ringing no matter how hard they tried to ignore, finally Erin nudged Jay, "will you please answer your phone, I'm trying to sleep here" she joked as she rolled back over.
"Oh and I suppose I'm not" he joked before answering it.
"Halstead" he said listened for a minute or two before jumping at of the bed motioning for Erin to follow suit. "How bad?" He asked. Erin stopping in her tracks "and Kim, she ok?"
Erin could see the blood drain from Jay's face, this was bad she could tell by his body language, quickly throwing clothes on and handing Jay something to wear, grabbing shoes and keys they headed out.
Once in the car, she finally asked the question and afraid of what the answer would be "Jay how bad, what happened?" She asked still holding his hand as he drove.
"DiMuccio broke in, Adam and Kim in bed, thankfully he knocked over a lamp or something waking them both up, he grabbed Ruzek's gun and had one of his own. They fought, somehow Ruzek was shot in the abdomen and well Burgess dropped DiMuccio, he's dead. Ruzek's bad, he is on his way to Chicago Med"
They pulled in to the parking lot, the ambulance having already dropped Adam off, Voight and Olinsky already there.
"Voight, how bad is it?" Erin asked ignoring Voight's confused look when her and Jay showed up together.
"Where's Kim?" Jay asked, Voight gestured to Olinsky who was holding Kim's hand in the waiting room.
"He's lost a lot of blood, Burgess is covered in it," he told them picking at a piece of broken Formica on the desk. "She's a wreck, she killed DiMuccio, can't say I'm sorry he's dead, just wish she didn't have to watch Ruzek get shot."
They joined Alvin and Kim in the waiting room, each placing a supportive hand on Kim's shoulder as they walked by, Erin pulling her into a hug.
"He's going to be ok, you know Adam, he's a fighter" she told her friend, Kim struggling to not cry.
"Can we call someone for you?" Hank asked.
"No, my family is out of state, I don't want to bother them at this hour" Kim replied.
Kim kept staring at her hands still covered in Adam's blood, it was obvious she was in shock.
Erin stood up "Kim, let's go get you cleaned up, and see if we can get you a clean shirt" pointing to the grey CPD shirt that was also covered in blood.
"No, no I can't leave Adam, and my hands they have his blood on them I can't wash it off, I can't" Kim told them, she was shaking and they didn't want to push her. She sat back in the chair next to Alvin " I'm not leaving until I see Adam, I need to see Adam".
Finally a doctor rounded the corner, and approached the group.
Kim stood up immediately, "how is he?" She asked.
The doctor cleared his throat and began "That man was very lucky, the bullet bounced around quite a bit in his abdomen and somehow only hit his appendix, which we went ahead and removed" he smiled and continued " they are closing him up now, so in about an hour or so you should be able to see him.
"Hey Kim, what do you say we get you cleaned up before you go and see Adam?" Erin asked hopeful Kim would comply.
"Yes, please, let's go" Kim said relief washing over her, he was going to be ok, and this was over.
Turning to Olinsky and Voight "you'll come find me if the doctor comes back, right?"
"Of course, Kim, go with Erin we will get you if the doc comes back" Olinsky answered.
"You ok, O?" Hank asked him, knowing Alvin was close with Adam, the kid being like a son to him.
"Yea, I'm good, glad the kid's ok, but worried about his girl" Olinsky said watching Kim walk towards the bathroom with Erin.
"I'm glad the son of a bitch is dead, just hate that Kim is the one that dropped him"
"I agree Al, it's unfortunate, but we will help her with whatever she needs" Hank told him, knowing Kim may need them all.

Finally a nurse came and brought Kim to back to Adam's room, he was just starting to stir when Kim walked in. His color had returned to his face, and looked peaceful.
"My name is Kristie, just call me if you or Adam need anything" the nurse said as she left the room.
Kim pulled the chair closer to bed, sitting down she took the hand that was free from the IV in her hand. "Oh Adam," she said thinking back on the last 6 months, they had enough of hospitals.
"Darlin' don't cry" he spoke his voice hoarse and soft, she stood beside him and kissed him.
"I love you Adam Ruzek" she told him, he smiled and was about to say something when someone knocked on the door.
"Hey, sorry we just wanted to stop in before leaving" Jay told them Erin at his side, both Adam and Kim knew about their relationship. "You, good Ruzek?" Jay asked.
"Yea, man, I'm good" Adam replied, looking at Kim "babe, you think you and Erin could find me something cold to drink, my throat's pretty sore" he asked.
Kim got up and kissed him on the cheek "sure, I will be right back" and with that both women left.
"Alright, they're gone, what's up?" Jay asked.
", I think,it was man but I can't remember." Adam coughed trying to clear his throat "tell me, you guys got him"
Jay wasn't sure how to break it to Adam. Adam noticed Jay's hesitation. "C'mon Halstead, whatever it is tell me, please"
"It was DiMuccio, and he's dead" Jay told him.
"How, I'm telling you I don't remember" Adam explained.
"Ruzek, remember fighting over the gun, yea?" Jay quizzed him "well, DiMuccio shot you, you fell and by this time Kim had grabbed her service weapon and she dropped him, bullet to the chest" Jay finished.
Adam was speechless, "Adam, you ok?" Jay using his first name wasn't unusual but showed the severity of the conversation.
"Yea, man, just hate that I let him get the jump on me" Adam confessed.
"C'mon Adam it was the dead of night, you guys are lucky to be alive, Kim will be okay, she's tough" Jay said.
With that Kim and Erin returned drinks in hand, it was obvious they interrupted something.
"Everything ok?" Kim asked looking at Adam and then Jay.
"Yea,yea, hey Erin, let's give these two some privacy, yea?" Jay said taking Erin's hand. Erin hugging Adam and Kim on her way out, Jay shaking Adam's hand "what no hug" Adam joked, Jay hugging him in return and then Kim.
"Sit" Adam said to Kim pointing to the chair beside his bed, when she didn't sit right away he said it again "sit,please"
Kim made her way to the chair sitting down, he her hand on Adam's arm, she was exhausted and still wearing his blood soaked t-shirt. Her eyes red and tear filled.
"I'm sorry darlin'" he started.
"Don't apologize, this wasn't your fault, you have to stop apologizing for what he did, I mean it Adam, I don't blame you" aggravated by his constant apologies, when the person to blame for everything was now dealt with.
"Tomorrow I have to see a therapist, it's protocol they said." Kim told him, "but I don't feel bad about it Adam, he was going to kill you and me too, I had to do it." Her voice cracking.
"I know, babe, I know" Adam told her, gingerly moving his body to the side of the bed creating a space, albeit a small one for Kim. He patted the bed beside him "lay with me please, I need you close tonight"
"Are you sure, I don't want to hurt you" she said as she carefully sat beside him laying her head on his chest.
"Darlin' they have me on some good pain killers, I'm feeling good" he laughed, within the hour they both drifted off to sleep.
Both of them finally feeling at peace, Vito DiMuccio no longer a threat.

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