Chapter 36

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"Can we come in?" Kim's parents asked as they stood outside of room, they hated interrupting the new family, but they really wanted to see their grandson.

"Of course, come in come see my beautiful boy" Adam said ushering them in the room "you'd be so proud of Kim, she was amazing."

"My goodness, he's perfect" Elaine said as she took baby Adam from Kim and held him, James at her side "I think he looks like his daddy" she told them.

Adam turned to Kim, "since your folks are here, I'm going to go make some phone calls and update the squad" he said before kissing her, and then his son.

"You mean your coworkers right?" James asked Adam still unsure of the police lingo. " because they are all still in the waiting room, even the lady cop, that always looks mad" James joked.

"Damn, they waited all that time" Adam said, " gotta love them."

As Adam entered the waiting room, he saw the entire group huddled in the corner the only ones missing were Jay and Erin, obviously.

Voight was the first to notice Adam "Ruzek, he here yet?" He asked as they all met Adam halfway.

"He is here, his name is Adam James, 7 pounds 9 ounces, 21 inches long, he's amazingly perfect" Adam explained "wait I have pictures" he said pulling his phone out. They passed Adam's phone around, commenting on the baby.

"Tell Burgess, we said congratulations and that he's beautiful" Hank said "I may stop by later but I will call first, I gotta get these animals back to work" he joked motioning to the crowd around them.

"Thanks again Sarge, everyone" Adam said as he walked off and called his dad "hey pops, yea, I'm fine, just a clean break, be in a cast about 8 weeks" he explained realizing that his dad didn't even know Kim had gone in to labor. Erin said she would let him know, but he figured something came up.
"So, dad, that wasn't why I called, Kim had the baby" he laughed when he heard his father's reaction.
"I'm on my way" was all Adam could make out.

When Adam made his way back to Kim's room her parents had left and Kim was holding the baby just watching as he slept. He stopped in the door way silently observing the love of his life holding the most precious gift anyone had ever given him.

Kim finally noticed him "are you going to just stare at us or are you going to come in" she joked with him, Adam still hadn't held the baby as he was too nervous when the baby was first born because of the pain medicine but she hoped he would now. "Come here, your son wants you to hold him"

"Can I?" He asked, never having held a newborn.

"Of course," she wasn't going to lie, she couldn't wait to see the baby in Adam's arms, she found Adam to be the sexiest man alive, but holding their son would just make him even sexier.

Adam sat beside her, Kim carefully maneuvered baby Adam into Adam's uninjured arm, and she was right seeing Adam hold the baby was in fact the most beautiful thing she every laid eyes on.

"My god, Kim, I have a kid, well, we have a kid, hell I'm still a kid" he laughed "can we do this, well I mean can do this? I know you can do it, you're incredible" he was rambling now "but can I?" he was fearful all of a sudden.

"Breathe, Adam, breathe" she said putting her hand on his thigh "you will be an amazing father, I know it" she told him.

Bob Ruzek could be heard down the hall proclaiming that he was not a grandfather to anyone who was in ear shot.

"Uh, I think I hear your dad, babe" Kim said laughing.

"I think all of Chicago hears my dad" Adam joked.

Bob walked into the room, Adam stood to greet him " hey pops" he said already handing the baby back over to Kim. Bob barely acknowledged Adam, rushing past him to Kim and the baby.

"Thank you so much Kim, this is amazing" he told her kissing her head and the little Adam.

"You know, pops, I did help" Adam interjected.

"Yea, but Kim, she did the hard part, God Adam he looks just like you" it was as if Bob was looking back in time and seeing his own son for the first time. "it's unreal, he looks exactly like you did as a newborn, may I hold him?" Bob asked.

Kim handed baby Adam over "hey little man, I'm your Poppy, and I love you" Bob told the sleeping infant in his arms.

The new family spent another day in the hospital before heading back to the apartment, caring for their son becoming second nature. Adam's arm now in a cast, and out of the sling making it easier for him to hold his son, though it made it next to impossible for Adam to change a diaper, not that Adam minded.

Kim wasn't thankful for the accident Adam and Jay had been in the night before Adam James was born, but thankful that it gave Adam time off.

She was even surprised some night when Adam woke up before she did to tend to the baby, often telling Kim to go back to sleep. She wouldn't though, she loved listening on the baby monitor when Adam was with the baby, and much to her surprise she learned Adam had a beautiful singing voice and he would often sing to their son.

Kim never let Adam know that she listened in on their "man time" as Adam called it, but she had to ask, he climbed back in to bed, and was shocked to see her awake.
"You should be sleeping darlin', little man is asleep" he told her as she laid her head on his chest.
"Adam, how come you never told me about your amazing singing voice" she questioned him.
"You never asked" he said, when he was in high school he was in a band, but it was just something he did as a kid "I don't know, never really thought about it, I guess. It just felt natural to do when I was rocking little man" Adam told her.
"Babe, you're already an amazing dad, we are so lucky to have you" she told him.
"No, I'm the lucky one, and it's time we start making some wedding plans" he said.

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