Chapter 35

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Things progressed, Kim was officially on maternity leave, her due date days away. With it being so close her parents had come back in town, with enough clothes for the baby she didn't think she would have to shop for a year.

Adam was super busy with work, they finally caught a break on the hit and run, something about it being another teenager, Kim wasn't exactly sure and she didn't ask many questions.

Erin had thrown a surprise baby shower last week, which was awesome she and Jay finally made it complete public knowledge that they were dating, Voight wasn't happy but he would get over it.

Things had been amazing, she was almost afraid since it had been so good. Adam told her she was being silly, that it would be smooth sailing for them and to relax.

Her parents had come over since Adam was working late, her dad showing off the hockey jersey he bought for baby Adam, they laughed as the baby not yet born was already in the midst of a fight over which hockey team he would like.

A knock on the door brought them out of their conversation, Kim answered the door her heart dropping when she saw Alvin on the other side.

"Alvin, No!" She said frightened, it brought her parents in from the kitchen.
They immediately rushed to her side "princess, what's wrong?" Her dad asked.
"Don't say it Alvin, don't tell me" she said assuming the worst.
"Kim, he's been in a car accident, him and Halstead, a car t-boned them, I do know Adam was responsive as was Jay, let's go to Chicago Med" he told her. He didn't have much information he hadn't been at the scene but didn't want Kim to be notified over the phone.
"I'm Kim's father, we will take her, thank you for coming over" James told Alvin.
"Follow me, we go lights and sirens" he told them.

Kim was trying to hold it together on the way to the hospital, worst case scenarios replaying in her minds eye "I can't lose him mom, we can't lose him, I can't" Kim said as her mother interrupted her.

"Sweetie, remember what Alvin said, he was responsive, Adam will be ok" she told her daughter hoping she wasn't lying to her.

They finally pulled up outside the ambulance bay and Kim rushed out her parents at her heels and Alvin leading the way.
As soon as she stepped foot into the hospital she saw the most beautiful site she had seen in a long time.
Adam was sitting in a cubicle, his right arm in a sling and was receiving stitches just above his right eyebrow.
"Adam, baby" she called out tears now flowing freely, trying her best to get to him but her almost nine month pregnant body impeding her.
Adam stood up much to the disapproval of the doctor finishing up his stitches, "Kim,I'm okay, baby, don't cry, I'm ok" he said hugging her as best he could with one arm in a sling.
"Your arm, what's wrong" she asked as she looked him over making sure he was ok "Jay, how's he" she asked realizing Adam wasn't alone in the car.
"My wrist is broken, and just a little cut" he said pointing to the stitches "but scars are sexy, right" he joked "Halstead is okay too, his ankle is broken but he may need surgery other than that we are both good" he gestured to the bed he once occupied " I would like for you to sit please" he said he finally noticed her parents "I'm sorry for worrying you all" he apologized.
"Not necessary Adam, we are just happy you are ok" James told him.

They still needed to wait for Adam's discharge paperwork, Adam had gone back to check on Halstead and Lindsey. Jay would need surgery but it wasn't as bad as it could have been for that they were all thankful.

Kim was still sitting on the gurney when she felt a sudden sharp pain, she called out for her mother "Umm, mom can you get a nurse or someone, my water just broke" she said very calmly "oh and Adam get him too"

They tried to call Adam's cell phone only for them to find it ringing under the pillow obviously forgotten by Adam. Unsure of where exactly Adam wandered off too, Elaine suggested they have him paged.

Adam and Jay were busy teasing Erin for the way she reacted to the news of the accident, Erin was a mess which they had never witnessed. Both guys laughing loudly and too consumed in conversation to hear the page over the PA system.
"Adam Ruzek please report to Labor and Delivery, Adam Ruzek to Labor and Delivery" Erin heard it, watching Adam for his reaction, shocked when there wasn't one.
"Uh, Adam, you didn't hear that?" She asked.
"What, I didn't hear anything" he said confused "I miss something?" He asked again.
"Yes, just you being paged to labor and delivery, Ruzek"'she told him.
"Why the hell would they page me, oh shit Kim!" He lost it once he made the connection " shit, where the hell is labor and delivery?"
They both had known Adam for awhile now, and they had never seen him like this.
"Babe, do me a solid and walk Ruzek here to where he needs to go, I don't think he can make it on his own in this state" Halstead asked Erin "go on, I'm fine, plus the pain mess are kicking in, so I will be asleep soon." Erin went to his side and kissed him.
"I will let you know when the little guy is here" she told him as she led Adam towards Labor and Delivery.
"My dad, will you call my dad please" Adam asked Erin.
"You got it, plus the whole unit including Platt, are already here" Erin informed him.

Kim was becoming upset when Adam still hadn't made it "has anyone checked to make sure he is ok, what if they missed an injury or something?" Kim asked her mother.

"I'm sure he's on his way, sweetie, try and calm down, for the baby" Elaine Burgess told her daughter, wishing her future son in law would show up soon, knowing it was the only way Kim would calm down.

As soon as she finished the sentence Adam walked into the room rushing to Kim's side, Erin following behind.
"Sorry, it took so long, someone got a little excited and lost all sense of direction, didn't you Adam" Erin teased him.
"You ready for this darlin'?" he asked her bringing her hand to his lips and kissing it.
"I'm so ready to meet our little boy" she replied.

Her labor went well, no complications at all, after 15 hours little Adam James Ruzek was welcomed into the world.
As soon as he was placed in Kim's arms she was instantly in love with him, Adam stared at them both, his heart swelling with love. Never did he think he could love two people so much but he did, he desperately wanted to hold baby Adam but with his arm in a splint a sling he settled with watching Kim hold their son.
"You did good babe, you did good" Adam told her kissing her and the baby "I love you Adam James Ruzek, I'm your daddy, and I love your mommy too" Adam said wiping a tear from his eye.

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