Chapter 30

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Adam awoke to the sound of the toilet flushing, again.
"Kim, you okay?" He asked through the closed door.
"I'm fine Adam, go back to bed" she told him, she wasn't sure why it was called morning sickness, she'd known for a few weeks that she was pregnant and she didn't see the vomiting going away anytime soon and it didn't matter if it was morning, afternoon, or night.

As she entered the bedroom, Adam was sitting up in the bed, he opened his arms for and she happily laid down with him.

"Thank you" he told her kissing the top of her head.

"For?" She asked him.

"For everything you are going through now, and everything still to come, for giving me a child" he told her.

"You don't have to thank me, Adam, I'm so happy, all of this, the being sick will be worth it when our baby is here" she told him.

"What time is your appointment today, I want to go" he told her, he didn't want to miss a single appointment. Adam had grown up with a wonderful father, and he hoped he could be half the father his father was. His mother on the other hand was a different story.

"It's at 10:30, you don't need to go, Adam, it's not a big deal" she downplayed it but she was hopeful he would still go.

"Try and keep me away darlin', I wouldn't miss it for the world" Adam told her as he got out of bed and headed for the shower.

"What's up boys?" Adam said has entered the bullpen, dreading that he would have to let Voight in on Kim being pregnant. That morning they decided they would tell Voight because Adam wasn't going to miss an appointment.

"Voight here?" He asked Halstead.

"In his office, you ok" Halstead asked.

"Never better Jay, never better" Adam replied not sure how much longer he could keep this a secret, secretly thankful he could tell Voight. Wasn't his first choice but it was better than nothing.

He knocked on Voight's door, "Come on in" Hank said.

"Boss, can I have a few minutes" Adam asked closing the door behind him.

Voight looked up from his paperwork and pointed to the chair "sit" he barked.

"Boss, umm" Adam was nervous all of a sudden, he wasn't used to feeling that way and he had difficulty finding the right words.

"Spit it out Ruzek" Voight told him, becoming impatient.

"It's Kim, well, she's pregnant" relieved he finally said it "and I was hoping I would be able to go her doctors appointments" he said "she's got one today at 10:30"

"That's fine Ruzek, just let me know as soon as possible, but if we catch a heater I can't promise you anything" Voight told him.

Adam stood up and started to leave pulled the door open, when Voight called his name.

"Hey Adam, congratulations to you and Kim, I'm happy for you" Voight said shaking Adam's hand.

"What are we congratulating them for, Hank?" Olinsky asked.

With that Kim was led up the stairs and into the bullpen by Platt and the room fell silent.

"Don't hold out Ruzek, what's up?" Olinsky questioned again.

Adam went to Kim, he hugged her and whispered in her ear "so Voight sort of blew it, can we just go ahead and tell them" Kim looked at him and knew he desperately wanted to the share the news, she did too.

"Go for it babe" she smiled.

"Watch out in six months, a mini Ruzek will arrive" Adam told them his hand protectively on Kim's stomach.

"Lord help us all" Halstead joked hugging both Kim and Adam.

Olinsky pulled Adam into a bear hug "Congratulations, kid, make sure you take care of that one" he said pointing at Kim.

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