Chapter 39

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"Adam, how come you never told me any of this?" She asked as they made their way home.
"I don't know, I guess I was ashamed of it all, my father wanted me to tell you, but it's always been something I tried to forget" he explained. "I'm sorry, though"

"Don't apologize Adam, but I would like to talk about it some more, when you are ready." Kim said looping her arm around his "looks like your dad found out", she said when she noticed her father in law's car.

"I'm sure it was Voight or Al," Adam said, they walked inside and the look on Bob's face was filled with worry.

"Hey, pops" Adam greeted him "you didn't need to come over, I'm fine" he said not totally sure if he was, he could only guess he was in some type of shock. He wasn't sure how he should feel, wether he should be sad or relieved.

"Like hell I didn't son" Bob said pulling Adam into his arms, both men becoming emotional.

"Hey Kim, why don't we take Adam down to that park on corner" Al still holding the baby.

Kim glanced at her husband and his father, reluctant to leave either one, but she realized they need to be alone for a bit.

"How is he, Kim" Al started "he's got me worried, I've never seen him react that way before"

"It's bad Al" she said placing Adam in the swing " he didn't tell me a whole lot, but she was awful to him" looking at her own son she couldn't imagine a mother treating her child like that. "She was physically and emotionally abusive, she told Adam she hated him all the time, and she hit him a lot" she wiped the tears as they fell "Al, he asked how I could still love him, that if his mother didn't love him, how could I" she said her emotions finally taking over.

Al immediately embraced her, "Kim, he needs you now, don't let him shut you out" Al explained "I've seen what can happen to a child abuse survivor who doesn't deal with what happened, we can't let him ignore it anymore" he told her.

"I won't let that happen, Al, I love that man too much, I need him and our son needs him" she told Al as she pushed Adam in the swing "I will never understand how a mother can hurt their child, the way Adam's mother hurt him"

"Some people don't deserve the children they are given, the woman that gave birth to Adam was never a mother" Al was angry, he was close with Adam viewed him as the son he never had. "I may sound like a horrible person, but I'm glad she's dead, maybe Adam can deal with what she did to him now, maybe find peace"

"Talk to me son, tell me what you're thinking" Bob begged Adam as they sat on the couch "tell me you've talked to Kim."

"We talked some, I don't know how I'm supposed to feel, you know?" Adam said his head in his hands.

"There is no right or wrong way, just feel whatever it is you feel, son, talk to Kim let her help" Bob told him.

Kim and Al returned from the park, "how's it going Bob?" Al asked, having briefly worked at the 37 together.

"I've been better, but I know it's all going to be alright" Bob said "listen, Adam I gotta get back to work, remember what I said. He told him, "bye sweetie, and my little buddy"'he said giving Kim and the baby a quick hug.

"Listen, I gotta go too, Voight's on my case, you alright, kid?" Olinsky asked.

"Thanks O, I'm going be ok, don't need to worry so much" Adam told him, shaking his hand as he left.

After they put Adam to bed that night, they sat at the kitchen table, Kim needed to hear more from Adam, she needed to make sure he was ok.

"Adam, we need to talk about this, I know you really don't want to, but I can see it's still bothering you" Kim said taking his hand in hers.

"I don't know what to feel, Kim, she was horrible to me" he said "but she was still my mother, I guess on some level, I hoped maybe she would get her shit together" he paused " I don't know what I thought but now she's dead" he said a lone tear rolling down his cheek.

"I'm so sorry Adam" she said as she went by his side and embraced him.

"Do I plan her funeral, I'm her next of kin" he said "I know next to nothing about her, my only memories of her are not pleasant at all"

"Let's not worry about that tonight, babe, let's just go to bed, let me hold you for once Adam" she said leading him to their bedroom.

I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter at all, I've rewritten it 4 times now, and feel this is the best.
Also, I've obviously taken a few liberties with Adam's mother, totally different for what the show has said about her.

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