Chapter 5

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"You okay, kid?" Olinsky asked Ruzek as he drove to the alley, quickly glancing at his partner who had his cell phone plastered to his ear.
"She's not answering, Al, I'm worried" Adam replied as he hung up the phone and started texting Kim. He was unable to think straight, his fear slowly taking over.
"We don't even know if her and Roman are involved, the person who called just said it was a patrol car, didn't even bother to say which car it was, just breathe Adam"
"I don't know what I will do, if it's her Al, I'm serious." Adam said his voice cracking with fear. He dialed her number again, this time waiting for her voicemail.
"Hey darlin', I'm just checking in, please call me. I love you." And with that he threw the phone on the dashboard.
As they turned on the road where the car was left they slowed checking each alley as they went down, Adam's heart beating even faster, his face becoming tense.
"Down that one, see it?" Olinsky said taking in the sight of the crumpled vehicle, noting that the caller didn't mention it having been in an accident.
With that the others pulled up, and they all carefully approached the car, with Adam hanging back a few feet unwilling to face it.
"21-14, that's Kim" Adam croaked out, and he suddenly ran to the patrol car.
"Slow down, Ruzek!," Voight yelled.
All of sudden it became clear to all involved Ruzek and Burgess weren't just good friends.
Adam fought his way past Halstead and Dawson who tried to restrain him. He climbed in the drivers seat and found Kim's cellphone on the floor and blood splatter inside the car.
He climbed out of the car, his face now a pale white. "This is her phone, oh my god..." He said dropping to his knees.
Olinsky went beside him, placing an arm around. "Adam, we will find them, and she will be fine, she's tough that woman."
"This is Voight, send a forensics team to 868 115th st, we have two patrol officers unaccounted for Kim Burgess and Sean Roman, no sign of either one, send an ambulance, their condition unknown. Injuries assumed" he told the dispatcher.
"10-4, Voight" dispatch replied.
"Let's split up, Olinsky, Ruzek, and I will go this way, you 3 start at the end we meet in the middle" Voight told the unit. "We are ALL going home tonight, all of us Ruzek, including your girl and her partner" Voight told the unit.
Adam glanced up for the spot on the ground he had been staring at, realizing their once hidden relationship now seemed to be common knowledge, thinking Kim was going to be pissed at him. Adam was hoping she would be as that would mean she was okay and alive.

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