Chapter 19

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Kim began pacing in the apartment, something was going on with Adam she could hear it in his voice, she was racking her brain as to what it was and how it involved Jay and Erin. They too seemed worried about Adam, but they wouldn't give any details, just said Adam needed to check in with one of them and then they left.
She checked the time again it had been about an hour since Adam hung up on her, something he had never done before. She picked up the phone and began dialing his number only to hear the lock turn and the door open, she spun around seeing Adam close the door.
"Where have you been, what's wrong?"'she asked hugging him, she could feel the tension in his body.
He moved her to the couch and sat down, it was official she was now scared, the color in his face gone leaving him a strange shade of grey. She brought her hand to his face, caressing his cheek.
"You can tell me Adam, you can tell me anything" she said, he covered her hand with his own and brought it to his lips kissing the back of her hand.
"Voight, called me into his office earlier today, babe, somehow that son of bitch DiMuccio was released, he's out" Adam said bracing himself for her reaction.
She sat there quiet for a good ten minutes, Adam terrified, finding it difficult to breath.
"Kim, say something" he pleaded
"How, how is this possible?" She finally asked standing up and walking to window staring out at the street below.
Adam walked up behind her putting his arms around her waist pulling her close to him "I don't know, I'm assuming the DiMuccio's have a judge or two in their pocket, don't worry though that bastard won't get near you again, I promise you, I'd die before I let him hurt you again"
She turned in his embrace and wrapped her arms around his neck and cried, the tears dampening Adam's shirt and his heart shattering all over again.

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