Chapter 45

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"Daddy, I want my baby" Kim sobbed as James held her "he has to be scared, daddy, he must be hungry"

"I know princess, I know" James rubbed her back, he was devastated, he felt helpless. "Your mom is going to be ok, your sister is with her now, she wanted to be here but I told her to stay with mom" he wanted to tell her to let Adam come home, but he didn't want to push.

"Has Hank called yet?" Kim asked.

"Not yet, but he will call as soon as he knows something" James told her, he was terrified it was nearly 8:30pm, his grandson went missing between 9:40-10:45 am.

Trudy finally made her way up to the bullpen, Adam slumped at his desk staring off into space.
She went to him taking him in her arms "Hank will find your son, Adam, he will" she said trying to hold her own tears back.

"It's all my fault, I should have told Kim.." He trailed off his voice failing him. "Son of a bitch!!" He stood up, anger replacing the tears, he started throwing things and when he ran out of things to throw he started punching the wall.

"Dawson, Halstead!!" Platt yelled needing their help "get in here" both men came running, struggling to bring Adam under control.

"Stop it Adam, stop" Jay yelled, hoping his friend would hear him.

"My son, Jay, my son" Adam cried, he was more scared than he had ever been "its his bedtime, he needs his mom"


"Sir, the baby is finally sleeping, he isn't very happy" the nanny told Angelo on her way to her room. "I'm going to bed now, the monitor is on" she hated how scared the little boy was she didn't know why Angelo had him and she wasn't about to ask. This job was paying more money than she could make in a year.

"Thank you" Angelo replied, he turned the television on and found the news conference about the little boy resting upstairs.

"The Chicago Police Department is asking the public for help tonight, the young son of officer Adam Ruzek of the Intelligence Unit and patrol Kim Ruzek went missing this morning between 9:40 and 10:45am" the reporter stated "your Adam Ruzek is 9 months old, approximately 20lbs and about 29 inches long, he was wearing Chicago Blackhawks pajamas, brown hair and brown eyes" a picture being shown on the screen "the parents have declined comment, but Sgt.Hank Voight is the family spokesman, and is asking for your prayers for the safe return of Adam James Ruzek" a family picture gracing the screen now. "CPD is looking for Angelo DiMuccio as a person of interest in this case as one year ago his son abducted Kim Ruzek and ultimately was killed by Ruzek when he broke into their home shooting Adam Ruzek and being killed by Kim Ruzek"

At the mention of his name Angelo shut the television off and realized he needed to move the baby to a safe house and soon.

A doctor had come by and administered a sedative to Kim so she was finally sleeping, James sat at beside the bed and finally allowed himself to cry "please let my grandson be okay, please" he prayed when the ringing of his phone startled him, he quickly left the room so it wouldn't wake Kim.


"James, it's me Adam, is Kim ok" Adam asked his voice shaky and filled with fear.

"Oh, son" James said his heartbreaking for the man on the other end "she's finally sleeping, she's been sedated, how are you?"

"Fine" Adam replied unable to say much more.

"She doesn't mean it Adam, she loves you, she's just scared, you must know that son"

"I hate myself James, it's all my fault, I should have told her" he cried unable to say more.

"No, Adam, you listen to me, it's not your fault" James told him.

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