Chapter 21

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This had become habit the last few days, rising well before the alarm could wake him from sleep, rarely sleeping more than an hour at a time. His mind racing with thoughts of DiMuccio, so as he had done every morning since the news of the bastard's release from jail he hit the gym.
The heavy bag his only release, relentlessly punching it, sweat dripping from his brow, it helped some but he knew hitting DiMuccio would help a helluva lot more.
He remembered the conversation he had with a Kim a few nights ago.
"Promise me Adam, I mean it, promise me you will stay away from him" she begged him.
Shrugging his shoulders "darlin', I promise" Adam placated her, but they both knew he really didn't mean it. This conversation happened at least twice a day, he hated it but if he had the chance and he hoped he would get that chance he would make Vito pay.

Kim sighed as she rolled over and realized that yet again Adam was gone from the bed, glancing at the clock she noted this was the earliest yet, the clock read 3:52. They've been though hell and back the last few months and it felt like Adam was slipping away, nothing she could do to pull him back from the edge.
She was debating calling Olisnky, but fearful of how that would make Adam feel, O could get through to him that much she knew, but would it anger Adam.
She quickly sent off a text to Adam "I miss you, please, Adam, don't do anything stupid, I love you" setting the phone on the nightstand she proceeded to get ready for work.

The phone started buzzing on the passenger seat, causing Adam to avert his gaze from the apartment building, he knew who it was from, this had become their new routine. They've become ships passing in the night, yet something else to blame that pig for. It broke Adam's heart to be so distant and hardly ever home but he couldn't allow that son of a bitch to hurt Kim again. In order to do that he needed to have eyes on the guy as much as possible.
He's watched him from afar for a while now, carefully keeping the urge to beat the shit out of him in check, though he wasn't sure how much longer he could do it.
Adam quickly typed a response " breakfast? Meet at the diner, 20 minutes?" Steering his car to the diner knowing she would meet him.

They pulled into the diner within minutes of each other, Adam took Kim in his arms relishing the feel of her body next to his, he'd missed that for sure, he took her face in his hands and kissed her.
Breathless they separated her eyes, staring into his "that was very nice" she told him smiling, his touch, his kiss, everything about him had been so distant that she was relieved.
"Let's go eat," he told her taking her hand and leading her into the diner. As they entered, his body tensed and he started to lunge forward scaring her.
"Babe what is it-" she started to say, only to be cut off by him.
"You son of a bitch!" Adam yelled, and then Kim spotted what was making Adam so angry, sitting in a booth was Vito DiMuccio and another man, one she thought she recognized from that day.
Quickly she tried to grab Adam, but he was too strong, thankfully two patrolmen from their district jumped from one of the neighboring tables.
"Ruzek! Ruzek, man calm down, stop!" The taller one pleaded.
"Adam, please stop Adam, please!" Kim begged.
The sound of Kim's voice broke through and pulled Adam from his rage, quickly he turned to Kim " I'm ok, I'm sorry." He told her. "I'm fine" he told the two cops pulling himself from the one's grip.
"Good morning officers, Burgess and Ruzek, right?" Vito said tauntingly. "Nice to see you, I've got to go but will have to do it again sometime" with that he tossed a few bills on the table and left.
Kim was thankful the patrolmen hadn't left as it took both of them to control Adam.
The other patrons still quiet after witnessing the exchange, "you know what, I'm not hungry anymore" with that said Adam walked out leaving Kim behind.

Adam knew he shouldn't have left Kim, but he needed air, and he drove off trying to find Vito, he wasn't going to let this go, no way in hell.

Frustrated Kim went into work, and realizing she needed help, more importantly Adam needed help. She knew he wasn't going to let this go, she needed Voight and Olinsky to help her.
She was so thankful for Alvin Olinsky, he was a steadying force for Adam when things ended with Wendy, and while she wasn't sure she had a feeling Alvin pointed Adam in her direction. Adam respected the man, thought of him as a second father, saving Adam from himself many times. Sometimes Adam just didn't think, acting before thinking about consequences his heart always in the right spot though he was a good man.
"Umm, Sergeant Voight, can I speak with you?" Kim asked tentatively.
"What's wrong?" Hank knew something was up just by the look on her face "what's Ruzek done, now?"
"We went out for breakfast, and ran into DiMuccio and another man, Adam lost it, nearly hit him, thankfully he wasn't able to as a couple of patrolmen intervened" she explained "but I'm worried, he left the diner I think he's going after him" she finished.
"We got it, Kim, try not to worry" Hank told her placing his hand on her shoulder " I will call you as soon as I know anything".
"Halstead, Dawson, go track Ruzek down, he's after DiMuccio. Find him and bring him in I don't care what it takes, I will deal with him" Hank told them, knowing once found Ruzek would be pissed, that he was willing to deal with instead of Ruzek ending up in jail or worse.
Alvin approached Kim "how are you holding up?" He asked her after leading her to Adam's desk and having her sit down.
"I'm ok, or I will be once I know where Adam is" she told the man, trying so hard not to cry.

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