Chapter 41

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"Hey, Halstead, have we gotten the toxicology report back on Ruzek's mother yet?"Voight called out.

"Yea, her blood alcohol level was four times over the legal limit, and she had some anti depressants in her system"Halstead told him.

"Coroner also noted blunt force trauma to the back of the head, she was drunk of her ass, so she could have fallen and hit her head, so while its similar to the other victims I don't think this is linked to the other cases" Halstead finished.

"I agree" Olinsky said as he closed the folder, Adam had taken some leave and they had all been hopefully that they could close the case before Adam returned to work, and it looked as if they would.

"Lets close this book on this one, it looks like textbook overdose on prescription medicine and alcohol" Voight told them.

"How's daddy's little man" Adam spoke to his little boy as he played beside him on a blanket, the little boy giggling at Adam. "Listen, I'm going to love you forever, no matter what" Adam said kissing the little boy's hand.

Adam had decided to have a very small memorial service for his mother, with only him, Kim and his dad in attendance, it was very minimal but Adam felt he had to do something. Kim's parents came into town to help with the baby, and being around Kim's mother was exactly what Adam needed.

The day they arrived, Kim, her dad, and the baby went out to lunch as requested by Elaine, she wanted to spend some time with Adam.

"Adam, I hope you don't mind that I had James take Kim and the baby out, but I've wanted to talk to you since Kim told us about your mother and how she treated you as child" she started fearful she was over stepping her boundaries as mother in law "now from what Kim has told me your mother wasn't much of a mother at all" she went on "I know I'm just your mother in law, but I want you to know how proud I am of you, the way you love my daughter is more than I could have ever asked for, the way you provide for my grandson, is wonderful" she could feel the tears forming her eyes and she was struggling to keep it together "Adam, the day you came into my daughter's life, changed her for the better, she loves you so much and I know you return those feelings, and the sweet little boy the two of you brought into this world is living proof of that" she knew she was rambling now "when you married my daughter, we all became so unbelievably lucky, you know I don't have a son of my own, but if I did, if he was one tenth of the man you are I would be so proud" she finished hugging him.

"Thank you Elaine, that means a lot, I love you" Adam told his mother in law "I've struggled with this for a long time and I think now I'm at peace with all of it" he told her "Kim and Adam James have a lot to do with it, and you and James as well,I want you to know that I will always put Kim and Adam James first, forever"

Adam smiled at the memory of that conversation, he'd always liked Kim's parents and that conversation solidified their bond.

Kim returned from shopping, already having dropped her parents off at their hotel, she stood just watching the two most important people in her life. Everything seemed to be trending up for her and Adam, he no longer seemed troubled by his childhood, and the constant tense look on his face was gone.

"How are my two favorite guys?" Kim asked as she sat down beside little Adam, the little boy making his way into her lap. "Mommy missed you" she told him as he played with the necklace she was wearing.

"We are good, babe, you have a nice time" he asked.

"It was nice, I hate that they leave tomorrow, my dad has to get back to work" she told him, "he has to get the transfer started" she explained.

"What do you mean the transfer?" Adam asked, Kim's dad a popular orthopedic surgeon on Long Island

"He's transferring his practice to his partner, my dad's retiring" she watched the baby play with his feet, trying to get them in his mouth.

"Wait, what, why?" Adam asked, he was shocked to say the least.

"They're moving back here, they hate being so far away from us, specifically Adam, my mom and I talked about it a few weeks ago" she told him.

"That's nice, I know little man will love seeing them more often, I will too" he told her scooping the baby up.

"Plus, you go back to work tomorrow, I go back next week, I know we talked about daycare, but my parents have offered to watch him while we are at work"

"That's fantastic, darlin' it's actually, perfect" he told her.

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