Chapter 10

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Kim had pulled it together, trying to figure out a way out of the van, her whole body hurt and it was so difficult to move. Her head still throbbed with every movement she made, she didn't want to move but knew she needed to. She jiggled the handle but it was locked, she could see the building and she knew the man who owned the van had gone inside, for good she hoped. He tried to touch her and who knows what else but she fought back as hard as she could and he eventually gave up. It was obvious he was under the influence of something or more likely something's. His breath was awful and it made her want to vomit when he tried to kiss her, the alcohol scent was overwhelming.
She punched him in the face, which resulted in him calling her a bitch and slapping her around a bit. It was as if he became bored as he simply just left the van and headed inside that seemed like an hour or so ago, but she had no clue for sure.
Her eyes grew heavy, she fought sleep for so long but it was getting harder and finally she lost and sleep won out.
The squad rolled up on the house, they quietly got out of the vehicles long guns drawn, Adam received a final warning from Voight "Stay in the damn car Ruzek, we will radio you once we find something" he told him.
"I will Sarge, please just find her, please" Adam said.
Once they took off Adam felt his chest constrict, this, this was hard waiting for what seemed like forever. Finally his radio came to life "suspect in custody, no sign of Burgess" Olinsky said over the radio.
Adam stated punching the dashboard " screw this" he said as he got out of the car, just as they brought Vito out the front door.
Adam screamed " Where is she you son of a bitch, where the hell is she!!" He lunged at Vito quickly getting a punch off hitting Vito square in the jaw, knocking him free of Dawson's grip. Adam proceeded to kick the man as he squirmed on the floor "What did you do to her, where is Kim?"
Olinsky finally had a secure grip on Adam along with Jay's help, Vito just laughed and snarled "you mean that bitch cop, wouldn't you like to know"
That resulted in a kick from the foot of one Hank Voight.
It sounded so surreal but Kim was awoken to what she thought was Adam's voice, it couldn't be could it? It was then she heard it again, this time she was sure. It took all she had but she crawled to her knees and started pounding with all she had on the side of the van.
Lindsey had walked towards the back of the building hoping she would find something, she spotted the van and heard cries for help.
"Voight, Ruzek, backyard, now" She shouted over the radio, it took a minute for it to register with Adam but he glanced at Voight and off they went.
As Adam turned the corner he spotted the van and Kim's face in the window, it was bruised and battered but it was the most beautiful sight he had ever laid his eyes on.
"Kim! I'm coming baby, I got you" he called out to her fighting back the tears and trying to maintain his composure.
"Get me the fucking keys, now" Adam yelled to anyone who would listen, while it was mere minutes it felt like hours, while he waited he stood against the van his forehead resting on the window his hand on the glass, the thin glass the only thing separating them.
Somehow the keys ended up in his hand, he had no idea who put them there and frankly he didn't care. With one swift motion the door was open and Kim was in his arms sobbing,he fell to his knees and cried right along with her.
The other detectives backed off giving them some privacy, the paramedics started towards the couple only to be stopped by Voight "Just give them a minute, just a minute" he asked.
"You got it, but it can't be too long" the paramedic responded.
"I'm so sorry baby, I'm so sorry"Adam asked her, choking on the words. He was taking a visual of her, her face covered in bruises, she gasped as he pulled her closer. "What is it baby, tell me what hurts"
She started to talk but the words never left her lips, she went limp in his arms. "Help, someone help, she's in trouble" he called the paramedics rushing over, Olinsky physically removing Adam from Kim's side.
"Let them work, Adam, she's going to be okay" Olinsky tried to calm him.
She was placed on the gurney, and rolled into the back of the ambulance, "Who is riding with us?" the paramedic asked.
"I am" with that Adam was in back of the ambulance clutching Kim's hand. "C'mon baby, I love you" he told her as they drove off.

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