Chapter 46

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As the ambulance made its way towards the hospital Adam couldn't take his eyes off his wife and son, grateful to the intelligence unit for saving his little boy.

"He's ok?" He asked the medic, who was taking his vitals and looking him over,

"Seems to be, though he looks dehydrated and exhausted I'm not a doctor but I think he'll be good as new in a day or two." the medic said "I think it might take mom and dad longer to recover" she gave him a small smile.

"Adam, look!" Kim said as she pointed out the back window of the ambulance, it looked as if all of the 21st District was standing outside the entrance of the ER.

"They're family, Kim" he said smiling.

The ambulance stopped, Adam stepped out met by their co-workers Trudy Platt at the front of the line.

She rushed up to Adam, surprising both of them she pulled him into a bear hug, she promised herself she wouldn't cry but she couldn't stop the tears from falling.

"Adam, he's ok, isn't he?" She asked.

"See for yourself" Kim said as the gurney they sat on was brought from the back of the ambulance.

"Oh, Kim!" Platt said hugging Kim "hey sweetest Ruzek of all Ruzeks are you okay sweet boy" she asked the baby holding his hand, she was met with a one toothed grin "oh, that's Aunt Trudy's little buddy"

Kim and Adam shared a smile watching the usually cantankerous woman melt at the hands of their son.

Trudy felt their eyes on her "you tell no one about this" she joked "this little man is very special to me, I knew you two were meant to be even before special sauce ditched the witch" she said pointing at Adam.

"He looks good for the most part, he's dehydrated so we will push IV fluids, a few bruises, all things considered he's a lucky little boy" Dr. Will Halstead explained "I do want him to admit for the night, just for observation"

"Thanks, doc, can we both stay, I don't want to leave Kim alone" Adam said, afraid they would both disappear.

"Normally, I would have to say no, but considering the ordeal your family has been through, you can both stay, besides I will never hear the end of it from Jay if I told you no" Will joked.

"Excuse me, Mr. Ruzek, I have a waiting room full of people who are asking to see the baby, normal visiting hours are over" the nurse said "but I'm not telling a room full of cops to leave"

" I will send your parents and my dad up if that's ok, darlin'" Adam said "and I will take care of everyone from 21" he lent over the crib kissing Adam, "you'll be ok?"

"I'm ok, Adam" she said hugging him " update them all, so they will leave the staff alone" she paused contemplating " will you have Voight come back, if he's still here"

"You got it"

Adam stepped into the hallway closing the door behind him, and headed towards the lobby, he was shocked when he saw just how many of his fellow officers waiting for an update on his son.

He scanned the room for his father and Kim's parents, they sat off to the side worry etched on their faces.

Bob spotted Adam first, he stood up quickly and rushed towards him "Son, is he ok?"

James and Elaine close behind him, Elaine hanging on to James as if her life depended on it, still bruised from the break in.

"He's perfect dad, dehydrated and a few bruises on his arms, but ok" Adam was furious about the bruising, knowing someone hurt his son infuriated him. " they're keeping him overnight, but Kim wants you guys to go see him"

They hurried off to visit with their grandson, Adam turning his attention to the thirty something police officers in the room.

" Guys, guys!" He called out trying to gain their attention one he had it he began praying he could get through it without crying "I just want to thank all of you for getting Adam back to Kim and I, I don't think I could ever find the right words or tell you enough times" he said knowing he was going to lose it soon "that little boy is our world and because of all of you guys" he paused trying to keep it together "he's sleeping soundly beside his mother, he's dehydrated and has some bruises but will be fine, so from the very bottom of my heart, thank you, now go home" he laughed as he wiped the tears from his face.

Slowly they started filing out, Halstead and Lindsey together and Oilnsky and Meredith each couple hugging Adam on their way out, Adam spotted Hank off in a corner.

"Sarge, you got a minute?" Adam asked knowing he owed the man before him more than he could ever repay.

"Sure, kid, what do you need?"

"Hank, Alvin told me you saved Adam, that you found him and took that bastard DiMuccio out, I don't know how to thank you, Kim would like you to come back to the room"

Both men headed towards the room, both free from the fear that had gripped them the past two days, little Adam was in Bob's arms when they walked in "I think some one wants his daddy" Bob said handing the baby to his son.

Adam took him, inhaling his sweet baby scent, " hey man,you remember Uncle Hank, right" he said pointing to Hank, the baby smiling " mommy and daddy owe him for saving you" he said handing Adam to Hank.

"Hank, I don't know what to say" Kim started Hank holding his free hand up stopping her mid sentence.

"Your husband has thanked me already, and it was unnecessary, this little boy is part of our family at the 21" he placed a kiss on the boy's head "I love him" he said

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