Chapter 34

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Fall was well under way, and while Adam had wanted to ask Kim to marry him weeks ago, he got the vibe that her father was old fashioned and he wanted to do it right and ask her dad for Kim's hand in marriage. He didn't want to do it over the phone, he wanted to do in person.
Thankfully, their flight came in this morning, Kim had already left to pick them up, he offered to go with but she said he didn't have to. Which worked out since he needed to get himself together oddly enough he was scared shitless, why he wasn't exactly sure.
He had just gotten home from the gym and wanted to shower before they got back, he quickly opened his gun safe, just to double check on the ring. He was being paranoid of course the ring was exactly where it was when he placed it in there three days ago. He thought it was the safest spot, since she never went in the safe.
He showered and dressed, sitting at the table finishing up some paperwork, when they walked in, suddenly he was nervous again. He wasn't used to feeling nervous at all, but then again he had never loved someone as much as he loved Kim, he hoped his parents would find him worthy of Kim.
"Mom, Dad, this is Adam Ruzek" she said putting her arm around Adam's waist.
"Mr and Mrs. Burgess, I'm happy to finally meet you, Kim speaks highly of you" he said.
"Please, Adam, call us Elaine and James" Kim's father told him "Kim, speaks highly of you, we are so pleased to meet you."
That evening the four went out to dinner, Kim and her mother stopping in a baby store while Adam and James waited at the restaurant. They spent time making small talk, both being hockey fans, of different teams Adam the Blackhawks and James the NY Islanders.
"Mr...I mean James, can I ask you something" Adam started " I know we kind of did things backwards, but I love your daughter more than my own life, I would do anything for her and for my son" he started to get choked up struggling to keep his composure "when she was abducted, I realized that she is my world, it was then I realized she was the one for me, I'm starting to ramble, so I'm going to just ask if I have your blessing, I would like to ask her to marry me" Adam finished his palms sweaty and voice uncharacteristically shaky.
James placed his hand on Adam's shoulder and began "Son, you have it, you have made my little girl happier than we have ever seen her, when she speaks of you her whole face lights up, so yes you have it, welcome to the family, son" he said hugging Adam.
With that Kim and her mom returned from the store "Dad, Adam, what are you two hugging about?" Kim asked almost certain she saw tears in the eyes of both men.
"Nothing sweetie, nothing, just having a moment with my soon to be grandson's father" her dad told her, Kim not buying it.
Later that night Adam couldn't wait any longer, Kim's parents having gone back to the hotel, Kim and Adam walking through the city, the ring in his pocket.
He abruptly stopped, got down on one knee and began "Kim, you have made me happier than I have ever been, from the moment I met you I felt drawn to you, sure it was complicated at first, but even then I knew" he could see Kim's eyes welling up,with tears "then everything happened with DiMuccio and I learned that moment that my life was not worth living if you weren't in it, now your are giving me the greatest gift ever a child, I love you more than I could ever really truly describe, will you marry me?" He finished his heart in his throat.
"Yes Adam, yes,I love you!" She told him as he placed the ring on her finger and stood up kissing her with all he had.
When they separated she smiled at him and said " you asked my father for his blessing, didn't you?" She said her hands caressing his face.
"Yes, that was what you and your mom walked up on, he obviously said yes" Adam joked.

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