Chapter 43

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They sent Marbles on his way, with strict instructions to notify the CPD specifically Voight should Angelo DiMuccio say anything else. Voight made sure Marbles knew he was serious that it wouldn't take much at all for Marbles to end up in jail for a long time.

"Hank, what do we do?" Linsdey asked worried for her friends.

"Get Olinsky down here, no one tells Ruzek, yet" Hank wanted to verify the punk's story before telling Ruzek and Kim, no sense upsetting them if the guy was just blowing smoke up their asses.

Olinsky joined them in the interrogation room "what's going on, Lindsey said it was about Ruzek?" He asked hoping his friend was okay "he's okay, right?"

"Yea, he's fine" Hank said sliding the file they had on Marbles across the table "take a look at this, you know him?"

"Marbles, yea I know him, he's got a big mouth" Olinsky said having dealt with the kid in the past "oh shit" he said as he realized where it was headed. "He's a runner for Angelo DiMuccio" he hung his head.

"Well, Marbles said Angelo is talking about a son for a son, you think he'd go after the baby?" Linsdey asked saying it out loud made her voice tremble. "Hank we have to tell Adam"

"Not yet" Olinsky interrupted her, "let me have a day, I have some CI's I can hit up, no need to worry Ruzek, yet" he hoped they wouldn't have to worry them at all.

"You got to the end of this shift O, we can't sit on this too long" Voight explained, "this can go south fast, even more so if DiMuccio finds out Marbles likes to run his mouth."

"I swear, I didn't tell them anything else Angelo" Marbles tried to plead his case "I just did you as said, planted the seed" he explained

"Good, now get the fuck out of my office" Angelo said, he wanted those cops looking over their shoulders. He pulled the envelope from his desk drawer, he pulled the pictures out.

"What a cute little baby" he said to himself as he thumbed through the pictures, the baby with grandma at the park, mommy and baby on a jog and various other snapshots.
Sure, Vito was a screw up but he loved him and they had to pay for killing his boy and they would pay with their boy.

"Joey, Mike get in here" Angelo bellowed the two arriving in his office.

"Yea?" Joey asked.

"You know those cops we've been watching?"

"The bitch who offed Vito?" Mike asked him.

"Yes, it's about time we got ours, don't you fellas agree" Angelo asked a sinister grin forming.

"We got eyes on their house now, bitch should be leaving soon she goes to the gym, grandma stays with the baby, they usually hit the park around 10." Mike informed him. They had been watching the house for awhile and had the routine down, the mom would be going back to work soon and grandma was the babysitter.

"I just want the kid, do whatever you need to do but bring me that kid"

"He's just a baby, boss, are you sure?" Mike asked thinking of his two little girls, this he wasn't sure he was okay with it.

"Don't you fucking question me Mike, that bitch killed my boy" the anger rising along with his voice. "You either do this, or you and I take a little drive"

"Forget I said anything, I understand, boss" Mike replied, knowing his boss was serious.

"Hold up though, on second thought don't grab the kid today, just keep eyes on them" he decided "Marbles just planted the seed today, give them some time to adjust to the news" this was going to be fun, why rush it he thought.

Olinsky had calls out to all a few of his CI's but came up empty, Dawson had asked around and got nowhere.

Lindsey and Halstead walked in "Voight, we got nothing, no one is talking, don't you think it's time we filled Ruzek in" Halstead asked as he tossed the files on his desk, his frustration mounting.

"Fill me in on what?" Ruzek asked as he came up the stairs.

Voight shrugged his shoulders "everyone take a seat" he was dreading this conversation "patrol picked up a low level DiMuccio thug, he was running his mouth about Angelo wanting to get some revenge for Vito" he explained, withholding the mention of the baby.

Ruzek's mood shifted "boss how are handling this, what are doing" he asked, his heart racing.

"You aren't doing anything, Ruzek!" Hank started to say before Adam interrupted him.

"Boss, you can't do that, this is my family we are talking about" Ruzek said pounding his fists on the desk.

"I can and I did Ruzek, don't fight me on this." He told him "look, your family is our family, we take care of our own"

"Will you keep me in the loop, please?" he felt sick, "please no one mention this to Kim, not yet anyway" he had no idea how he was going to tell his wife.

Lindsey raised her eyebrow shocked he would keep this from Kim "Adam, are you sure you want to keep it from her?"

"Damn it Lindsey, I don't know how to play it, but I don't want her to worry, she did enough that before Vito shot me, and after she killed him" he sat down is head in his hands. "I need some air, I have to get out of here" he said he slammed the gate behind him.

Halstead started to follow him, "Let him go Halstead, we need to discuss this more" Voight explained.

"I did some digging, and I this threat is legit." He started to say "I've spoken with the commander and we've set up some unmarked cars to patrol Ruzek's house" he sat down on the desk "I want your ears and eyes open, we protect our own" he finished.

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