Chapter 48

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The sun's rays shining through the window, brought Kim from her slumber, Adam and the baby still sleeping she carefully picked Adam up placing him back in the crib. He fussed briefly before drifting back to sleep, it was obvious he hadn't slept well when he was with DiMuccio.

"Adam, Adam!" Kim heard Adam call out, quickly she went to his side "shh, he's in the crib, he's ok" she told him trying to calm her husband down.

"I'm sorry, I just realized he wasn't lying with me, and I was scared" he explained covering his face with his hands resting his head on the pillow.

Kim climbed in the way too small hospital, shocked the three of them had been able to sleep in at all, her head on his chest, her arms wrapped around him. "I get it, I've looked at him so many times, and I'm afraid if I blink he's going to disappear" she said a tear sliding down her cheek. She leaned up and kissed him, he responded immediately deepening the kiss, his hands making their way up her shirt.

"Ummm, excuse me Mr and Mrs Ruzek" Dr.Halstead said as he wished he was anywhere but at their door.

Kim blushed hiding her face in Adam's neck, Adam stifling a laugh "I thought I told you to call me Adam" Adam said as Kim fixed her shirt and pulled herself together to face their son's doctor.

"Sorry, Adam and Kim" Will replied "just as long as you call me Will" he told them "I would like to see Adam eat something and run another IV bag of fluids and set discharge for around noon, that work for you guys?"

"Sounds good, Will" Adam replied, Kim still mortified.

"I will be around in an hour or so to check on you guys" Will told them "I will start talking really loud about three rooms before I get here" he joked, leaving the couple alone.

"Oh my god Adam!" Kim blushed "if he would have been a few minutes later who knows what he would have walked in on" she told him "get out of that bed, we can't be trusted in it"

"Dada, dada, dada" Adam babbled from the crib, both his parents looking at him, smiles forming.

"Hey, you hear that, he's calling me!" Adam said pure joy on his face, he raced to crib picking him up "that's right buddy, I'm dada!" He said hugging him.

Kim smiled as she watched the two people she loved most in the world interact, Adam smiling big every time little Adam would say dada.

"You up for visitors?" James and Elaine said as they stood in the doorway.

"Yea, listen to this" Adam said and he prompted the little boy "say dada Adam, show Grandma and Grandpa, say dada" he asked again.

"Dada" Adam said faintly followed by giggles, and everyone in the room following suit.

"He looks wonderful" Elaine said smiling.

Adam gave little Adam to Kim "Elaine, can I speak to you, out in the hall for a minute" Adam asked, he needed to apologize to her.

"Of course" she responded as they went into the hallway.

"Listen, I'm sorry I shouldn't have kept the threat from Kim and for that I will never forgive myself" he told her.

"Oh, honey, this isn't your fault, please stop beating yourself up about it" she told her son in law "yes, it was the worst thing I've ever gone through but I imagine it was a million times worse for you" she said patting his arm "everyone is ok, it's time to move on"

"Thanks Elaine" he said as he hugged her and they went back inside, little Adam still showing off his new word "dada dada dada"

After a morning filled with visitors, from the 21st, Kim anxiously awaited Will's return with discharge papers, she wanted out of the hospital. Earlier this morning while she watched Adam and the baby slept, she came to the realization that she couldn't go back to their apartment.

It was where Adam was shot and she killed Vito DiMuccio, which is what led to their precious son being kidnapped, sure she was angry with Adam when the baby was kidnapped she was so horrible to him. Kim pulled her knees to her chest, had she not killed Vito their baby wouldn't have been kidnapped.

"What ever it's you're thinking about, talk to me, Kim" Adam said the look on her face alerting him to the fact something was bothering her "spill it"

"I was just thinking about the night I killed Vito, I was the one who started this mess" she said her voice flat.

"Stop, don't even finish that thought, had you not killed Vito he would have killed us both" he told her sitting on the floor in front of the chair she was sitting "so please, stop"

"Adam, I think I want to stay at my parents house"

Adam panicked, "what are you saying?" he asked.

"I can't go back to the apartment, it holds too many awful memories" she explained "it will remind of the worst moments in my life, I thought you would die in our bedroom the night Vito broke in, and I thought I would never see our son again they day he was kidnapped"

It suddenly dawned on her, that Adam thought she was leaving him, "you are coming with me and Adam, you know that, right?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way" he said "how long are we staying?"

"I was thinking, we could start looking for a house of our own" she told him

"That, sounds like a great idea"

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