Chapter 55

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"Come on, man, you got this five more minutes" Eric told him as he pedaled, he had come along way the past two months.

Adam panted "you're killing me Eric" he said as struggled to finish. He had spent the last two months in PT every morning, every afternoon he spent speaking with Dr.Reynolds, the doctor Jay suggested and he felt better, still some moments of anger but decreasing in frequency and he found it easier to shut it down.

"Alright, Adam, slow it down, you're just about done" Eric told him as he retrieved a bottle of water from the mini-fridge, "you know word on the street is you might be getting bailed out sometime this week". Eric hated working with Adam at first, he was always so pissed off, he reminded himself often that Adam couldn't help it but it still made his sessions awful.Thankfully, that had changed and they found a rhythm "I'm proud of you man"

Adam got off the bike carefully, still dealing with vertigo, "thanks for putting up with me, I know I could be a dick at times" he said unscrewing the cap and taking a few swigs. "My wife should be up for sainthood" he laughed "but seriously, thank you"

"It's all good man, how is your wife, I haven't seen her in a few days" Eric asked.

"She went back to work, she needed it" he said, Kim no longer walking the beat but working in the Ivory Tower, what happened with Adam, made her want off the beat she couldn't risk their son losing both his parents "I really put her through hell, she transferred to a desk job, which I'm not going to lie, makes me really happy"

Adam was sleeping when Kim arrived after getting off work and picking Adam up for her mom "shh, baby, Daddy's sleeping" she told the little boy as he ran in the room. The kid was constantly running these days, just a few months away from his second birthday.

"No, daddy's not, just resting" Adam said as he pulled the little boy into the bed "hi boy, you've been good today?" He asked

"Yeppy, good boy" Adam said as he played with the remote for the television "hockey,daddy?" He asked.

"That's daddy's boy, but no hockey today pal" he said "how was your day darlin'"'he asked Kim.

"Good, I'm getting used to sitting at a desk, it's not so bad and the hours are really good". She told him "how was PT?"'thankful he was doing better, his outbursts few and far between.

"Good, Eric kicked my ass, again"

Dr.Moore poked his head in, "hey Adam, what do you think about getting out of here?" He asked holding up the discharge papers "like right now?"'

"Hell yes!" Adam said "it's about time, no offense, but I'm sick of this place"

"Well, let's get you out of here" he went over the paperwork Adam had some restrictions, he wasn't allowed to drive still due to the vertigo, he couldn't lift anything over forty pounds and had to limit how he exerted himself. He would still have outpatient PT three times a week.

"Work, doc, when can I go back?" He asked, he was dying to get back.

"Adam, that's still a long way out, let's not forget you are recovering from a serious injury, one day at time" Dr.Moore responded.

"Not even modified duty, c'mon toss me a bone" Adam begged, he wasn't crazy about sitting home all day.

"No, end of discussion"

"Adam, it'll happen, let's try to be patient" Kim said placing her hand on his shoulder "you get to come home, babe, let that be good enough for now"

Adam sighed "I know, what if I just hang out at 21, just help out in the bullpen?" he asked again."I'm going out of my mind, just sitting around, I need to be doing something"

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