Chapter 27

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A few weeks had passed since the shooting things had finally settled down for Adam and Kim, though he was now on modified duty and Kim was back on patrol with Sean Roman.
"Sarge, how much longer do I have to play secretary" Adam asked he hated being tied to a desk, taking messages for the others in the unit. He was losing his mind, he wasn't meant to be at a desk, and besides he felt fine even started back at the gym.
"Ruzek, enough, once your cleared by the doctor you can get from behind that desk, now quit whining!" Voight was tired of hearing it.
"Fine" Adam replied knowing Voight wasn't going to change his mind, at least it meant he got to leave at a decent hour.

"How's Ruzek feeling?" Roman asked as they made their way down the street, nothing really happening and them counting the minutes until their shift ended.
"He's good, fed up with desk duty, other than that he's good" Kim explained
"What about you?" Roman questioned "how are you, you know the DiMuccio thing"
"I'm fine, at first I struggled with it, but talking with the doctor has helped, let's face it if I didn't shoot him, he would have killed Adam" the thought of that still scared her.
"What's up with you Roman?" She asked, knowing he had reconnected with an ex, hopeful that things would work out, she wanted him to be happy.
Roman turned and smirked at her "taking it slow Burgess, taking it slow" he said as he turned down the street on their way back to the 21.
"You guys should come over for dinner, I will check with Adam and see if we can set it up"
"Sounds good, let me know" Roman replied as he parked the patrol car and both exited the car and made their way into the 21.
"Burgess, Special Sauce is looking for you" Kim rolled her eyes at one of the many nicknames Platt had for Adam. The desk sergeant tried to act like she didn't care for Kim, but she knew better. When Kim was in the hospital Platt had visited numerous times, and when it was Adam's turn she visited as well.
"Has he left yet?" Kim asked.
"I don't know Burgess, he's the new secretary not me" Sgt.Platt replied.
"Never mind, see you Monday" Kim told her, thankful she and Adam both had the weekend off.
With that her cellphone rang, checking it she saw it was a text from Adam
"At home, hurry up"
Smiling she headed to the locker room.

Authors Note-
I've hit a wall with this story, I do have some ideas but need to work them in properly. May be a day or two before I update it.
Thanks for reading!

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