Chapter 4

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Adam mindlessly tapped his pen on the desk, to the chagrin of those already in the bullpen.
Halstead and Dawson looked at each other and then back at Adam, "Ruzek, do you mind?" Dawson asked the aggravation coming out in his voice.
"Huh,?" Ruzek asked coming of his thoughts.
"The pen, could you stop tapping it, it's kind of annoying" Halstead said, wondering why the guy sitting opposite him was chipper. Granted, Ruzek is pretty happy most days but today seemed different.
Olinsky laughed to himself, knowing exactly why the kid was happier than usual he knew Kim Burgess was on the kid's mind. O was happy for him, he deserved to be happy after his fiancée put him through hell over being a cop.
Alvin could sympathize, if it wasn't for his daughter he would have left his wife sooner, and it wouldn't be to live in the damn garage. One thing he learned is it takes someone special to be the wife (or husband) of a police officer.
Suddenly, Voight came flying out of his office, "Suit up, we roll out in five" he said as he scanned the room.
"What's up?" Lindsey questioned.
"Not really clear on that, just had a citizen call in about an abandoned patrol car busted up in an ally, no sign of the officers" Voight told them.
Adam looked up from his computer, his heart now firmly placed in his throat and a pit growing in his stomach. "Who are the officers?" He asked his voice a mere whisper, his fear replacing his normally confident cocky tone.
"Does it matter, Ruzek?" Voight snapped back, Olinsky tried to be a buffer between the two.
"Let's go Ruzek." Olinsky said tapping Adam on the shoulder and walking out, "see you at the scene Hank" Olinsky told them as they descended the stairs.
"Anyone know what that was about?" Voight asked the room.

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