Chapter 37

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Much to Adam's surprise, Kim didn't want a big wedding at all they decided on a whim to get married at the courthouse, their only guests her parents, his dad, and The intelligence unit and Sean Roman.

They had a small reception at one of the their favorite bars, Molly's it was owned by some firemen from Firehouse 51 which was just a few blocks from District 21. Much of the attention on Adam James, who had recently started giggling and smiling to anyone who looked in his direction.

"So," Roman began "are you Burgess or Ruzek now?" He asked Kim.
"You know, I haven't even thought about it, but since you mention it, Ruzek it is" she told him.

"Oh, I love the way that sounds darlin', Kim Ruzek, I love you" Adam said as he placed his arms around her, she leaned back into his embrace, "and I love you Adam Ruzek" she told him.

"What do you say we get out of here Mrs. Ruzek?" Adam asked anxious to bring his wife home, hoping she would allow James and Elaine take little man for the night.

"That sounds lovely Mr.Ruzek, but we need to get our baby away from Erin first" Kim said.
"Your mom has offered to take him for the night, so we can have tonite to ourselves" he offered, "we can pick him up first thing in the morning, I promise," he continued "I will miss him but we deserve this" he finished hoping she would agree.
"Adam, I don't know, what if he misses us?" She asked.
"Darlin', he loves your parents, he won't even give us another thought" he told her as Kim took Adam James in her arms, Elaine and James walking up to them.

"So, please tell me, we can have this sweet boy for the night" Elaine asked, dying to get her hands on her grandson.

"Mom, are you sure, I don't want to put you out" Kim said.

"Don't be silly, Kim, he's my grandson, plus your dad wants to discuss hockey with him, he's working on making him an Islanders fan, dad says I don't pay enough attention" Elaine told both Kim and Adam.
"C'mon James, don't corrupt my boy, he's a Hawks fan" Adam said.
"We'll see about that" James laughed.
"Promise you'll call if anything comes up, sometimes he likes his back rubbed, and he likes for you to rock him and for you to sing to him, well he prefers his daddy to sing to him but will listen to me" Kim rambled.
"Sweetie, he'll be fine, you and Adam have a good night, don't worry about little man" Elaine said hugging her daughter and son-in-law as they left taking their grandson and heading to the hotel.

"Hey Ruzek, you can't leave yet" Halstead called out "let's do some shots".

"Sorry man, I'm taking my wife home, Halstead" Adam told him.
As they headed out they said goodbyes to all in attendance, finally getting to the apartment, Adam picked Kim up "Adam, what are doing, your arm" she said, he had just gotten the cast off.
"My arm is fine, and I'm carrying my wife over the threshold" he said kissing her.
"Do you think little man is ok?" She asked him, he could see she was on the verge of bursting into tears.
"Kim, he's fine, he's in great hands, I miss him too" he told her as they headed down the hallway passing the nursery on the way to their bedroom "I promise we will pick him up first thing in the morning, your mom said she would call if anything came up" Adam said leading her to the bed.
"This is our first night as Mr and Mrs Ruzek, let's enjoy it" he told her and before he knew she was kissing him
"Let's do it, Mr. Ruzek" Kim teased pushing him down on the bed.

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