Chapter 57

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"Antonio, what's up?" Jay asked, they had been called to the district Olinsky not giving any details over the phone.

"I know as much as you do, which is nothing" Antonio replied.

Hank and Al finally emerged from Hank's office, both looking tense.

"Hank what the hell is going on?" Erin asked.

"It's Ruzek" Voight started, noticing the facial expressions change, "Kim called Al earlier, to make a long story a short one Adam left her" he sat on the desk before finishing "he yelled at the kid, and he told Kim he couldn't do that to them anymore,so he left"

"We need to find him, Kim said he left about 2:30 this afternoon, it's been six hours." Al told them "he took off in his truck, and he's not cleared to drive yet, so as you can imagine Kim's a mess"

"Boss, you know it isn't going to be easy to find him, he knows how it works" Jay said "he's not stupid" he was worried for his friend, he knew things could get really ugly for Adam. "TBIs can really mess with someone's judgement and impulses"

Kim and James sat outside on the deck steps, coffee in hand and the phone at Kim's feet.

"Tell me what I can do Kim" James asked.

"Bring Adam home, daddy, bring him home" the phone at her feet ringing.

"Ruzek" she answered.

"Mrs.Ruzek, hi this is Dr.Reynolds, I'm sorry to bother you at this hour I just wanted to touch base with Adam and reschedule since he missed our session this afternoon"

Kim struggled to gain control so she could speak with the doctor but failed, she passed the phone to her dad.

"Hi, this is James, Adam's father in law, he had some sort of outburst with his son at the park today, it rattled him and he said he was moving out and drove off about 2:30 this afternoon, we haven't heard from him at all." James finished, they talked for a few minutes longer with the doctor asking to be kept in the loop, and that he would contact Kim if he heard from Adam.

"He shouldn't be driving dad, what if he" Kim stopping herself before she finished, she wasn't going to let her imagination go wild, she couldn't.

"I know honey, any idea where he may go?" James asked knowing it was a long shot, having already heard from Alvin Olinsky that no one in intelligence knew where Adam was, and he wasn't at his father's either.

Adam sat at the bar, he knew he shouldn't be drinking that it would seriously mess with his vertigo, but he didn't really care.

The bartender placed another shot in front of him, he downed it just like the previous five.

He couldn't get the image of little Adam crying it out of his head, his sweet face just devastated, then he would see Kim's face the same way. Adam thought it would have been easier on everyone had he died in that explosion, because right now all he was doing was hurting them.

He motioned for the bartender for another one, the bartender came to him "I'm sorry guy, but you've had enough, why don't you call it a night" he told him as he wiped the counter down.

Adam grunted, "whatever" he got up from the stool, the floor spinning he tossed some cash on the bar and stumbled back to his room. He had to try a few times to get the door open, he kicked his shoes off and laid down on the bed.

"Boss, we put an APB out on Ruzek's truck, we've run his credit cards and got nothing, he's using cash" Jay told them "Kim said he left his phone at the house, he's making it hard for us to find him"

"We knew he would, talk to your CIs, I know it's a long shot but I think he's trying to lay low, it's all we have at this point" Voight said the group.

"Honey, why don't you try and get some sleep" Elaine told her daughter "little Adam gets up early you know" it was well past midnight at this point still nothing from Adam. Kim was crushed earlier when she found Adam's cell phone on the night stand, knowing he left it on purpose, she was hoping they could track him using the GPS on it only for him to have left it behind.

"I can't sleep, not when I don't know if Adam's okay or where he is" she whispered.


Adam sat on the bed, he was missing his family something awful. He wanted to to talk to Kim, he finally gave in.

He waited as the phone rang, he was about to hang up when he heard her voice.

"Kim" was all he could say.

"Adam, where are you?" She asked, shocked that he had called "tell me where you are"

"Darlin', I'm so sorry" he said.

She could tell he was crying "forever Adam, forever" she told him "remember that, I know you are scared, but babe, you did nothing wrong" she told him "we can get through this but you have to come home, please Adam"

"Is Adam ok?" His voice cracking, "Kim I don't want to be like my mother, I can't be like her"

"Stop, you are nothing like your mother nothing at all, Adam's fine, he just misses you, we both do" she told him "tell me where you are, Al and Jay will come get you"

Adam gave her the location of the motel "I love you" he said before hanging up.

Adam was sitting on the curb waiting, he saw Al's car pull up, "I'm an ass I know, I'm sorry, Al" Adam said.

"Listen, kid, you ride with me, Jay is going to follow behind in your truck" Al told him, sure Adam had some what of an excuse for his behavior but he needed to have a talk with his partner.

The first twenty minutes they drove in silence when Adam couldn't take it anymore, "you can say it Al, whatever it is just say it"

Al sighed, "Adam, I know you are still dealing with issues from the warehouse explosion, but what you put Kim and the rest of your family through, Adam I love you kid, but I could kick your ass" Al said glancing over at Adam, he could see he was on the verge of tears.

Kim was anxiously awaiting Adam's return, she couldn't believe it when he called earlier the sound of his voice instantly making her feel better.

Al's car pulled in the drive way and Kim was out the front door in a flash, Adam rushing out of the car to meet her halfway, they embraced. Jay and Alvin going inside, leaving the two alone.

"Can you forgive me, Kim?" Adam asked "I'm going to see Dr.Reynolds more, I'm not going to let this destroy me" he said as he took her face in his hands "I love you"

"I love you too, Adam there is nothing to forgive, let's go inside" she took his hand and lead him in the house.

Jay was playing with little Adam, who stopped in his tracks when he saw Adam walk in, it took a second but he ran to Adam "dadddy!" He yelled.

Adam lifted his little boy up, hugging him "daddy's here little man, daddy's here, forever"



I had fun writing this, and may do a sequel.
It may just be what gets me through the Chicago PD hiatus.
Thanks for reading!

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