Enemii comfort.

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Tw: panic attack

Austins pov

I walked toward the mii channel to shock Henry for the 4678764326863646'th time.

It didn't give me satisfaction anymore but I still did it.

Why? Boredom, revenge ext.

He ruined my life. My world. He needed to be punished.

As I walked closer I started to hear.. Crying?

I walked to the corner that entered the mii channel and looked around. He was sitting against the front of the mii channel (where the screen that showed the player).

He was crying and hyperventilating..

He was having a panic attack.

My heart sank.

Should I help him?

No. He ruined everything for me.

But I-

I don't-

Should I-




I slowly walked towards him, not wanting to startle him. He didn't notice me since his head was buried in his knees.

I sat down in front of him, he still hadn't noticed me.

"Eteled.." I cooed.

I knew calling him Henry wouldn't help this situation, so I refrained from calling him that despite wanting to.

He looked up at me, his breathing rate increasing.

I cupped his head in my hand, causing him to wince.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I promise. Its okay. You're safe. You're protected." I cooed again.

He looked at me, confused.

I can understand why. Hell, even I was confused why I was helping him.

His breathing slowed a bit.

It was still quick, but less than previously.

"Can you tell me 5 things that you can see?" I asked.

His eyes flickered around the room as he spoke.

"I- uh.. You.. The uhm.. mii channel, my knees, the path to the.. Uh.. hallway and uhm.."

There was a pause.

"Claws." He responded.

"Good, okay. Can you name 4 things you can feel?" I asked again.

"Uhm, your hand, my sweater, uhm, the ground, and uhh, the screen." He finished.

"Great. And uhm, could you name 3 things you can hear?" I questioned.

"You, the wii music and.."

There was another pause.

"Static." He answered.

"Great. How about 2 things you can smell? They don't have to be from inside the wii." I asked, unsure how he would answer since you can't really smell anything in a wii

"..Dust.... Smoke." He answered hesitantly.

"Good. now finally, can you name 1 thing you can taste?" I asked for what I thought would be the final time.

"..Blood." He replied.

I looked at him, confused. He seemed to be calm now.
He looked at me like I had just saved his life, though I'm not the best at reading faces.

"Can you tell me why you taste blood?" I questioned.

"Electrocution." he stated blankly.

I looked at him, concerned.

He leaned into my touch and fell asleep.

I didn't want to leave him alone so I picked him up and sat down, placing him on my lap.

I knew it wouldn't be very comfortable as I was partly made of metal, but I thought it would be better if I stayed.

Plus it's probably more comfortable then the floor.

I soon also fell asleep with Henr-Eteled wrapped in my arms tightly.

Austeled one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now