Y/N joins the party ig-

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Context: Austin and eteled are enemies
Also they don't know y/n yet

Y/ns pov

I woke up, a blinding white light shining onto my face. I covered my eyes and layed there for a minute, waiting for my senses to regulate.

The sound of music filled my ears as I layed there. Eventually my body settled into the environment, so I opened my eyes and looked around.

I saw white and grey tiles. The same song repeated in the background, which I knew would eventually get irritating, but it wasn't too loud, so it was fine for now.

I looked around and saw 2 miis. They looked like they were fighting.

One was short, in all black and holding an axe. It was bald and had a creepy smile on its face and huge eyes with pupils that almost covered its entire eyes.

The other was tall with a metal body. The only viable part of its body with skin was its head. Its eyes were black with white pupils. It had extremely sharp teeth and claws.

The shorter mii swung his axe at the other, missing each time. The smaller one then noticed me, giving the other enough time to strike a hit on him. The smaller one was thrown back, still looking at me, his eyes dialating. The other noticed and turned to look at me.

Suddenly, he was right in front of me, causing me to fall back. He looked down at me. My body froze, I honestly thought he was going to kill me.

"I don't remember her making another mii.." He mumbled under his breath.
"W-Who's her?" I ask

He ignores me and continues thinking. Suddenly I feel a light shock and the the tall mii disappears.

Just as suddenly, there's a girl with brown hair, blue eyes and light skin on what used to be a pitch black screen. I looked at her in fear. I had no clue where I was or who I was with.

"Hello! What's your name?" She asked.
"I uhm.. I'm y/n! W-What about you?" I asked shakily.
"I'm Sam! Don't worry, I won't hurt you! And I'm sure Eteled won't either!" she said excitedly.

"E-Eteled?" I questioned.
"Hey, I'm Eteled." Said the shorter mii, holding out his hand to help me up.

I took his hand and pulled myself up.
"Thanks.." I said.
"No problem. And uhm.. sorry you had to watch that fight." He apologised.
"It.. it's fine. But, where exactly am I-?" I asked.
"Excuse me, what fight." The girl asked sternly, cutting me off.

The shorter mii, Eteled, looked like he'd said something he shouldn't have.
"N-nothing Sam!" He lied.
"Was CM fighting you again. Because I SWEAR-"

"Sam. Nothing happened, okay?"
Sam rolled her eyes, sighing.
"You're a crap liar. But fine. I believe you."
Eteled smiled at her, making her smile back.

"Guys I still don't know where I am-?"

I'm kidding that's not the end

"Oh right! Sorry. Uhm, you're in a Wii." Eteled explained.
"A Wii? But how?. That's impossible.." I mumbled.
"Well, assumably you died and your soul transported into the Wii." He continued.
"I- excuse me I DIED!?" I questioned.

"W-well, assumably. But you could be in a coma or something." He said.
"T-that isn't any better!!" I panicked. "Oh my god I'm dead. I'm actually dead. I-I"
"Hey. Hey. Breathe. Look at me. It's okay." He tried to comfort.
"But I-I'm dead!?" I retorted.

"That might not be the case. Do you remember dying?" He asked.
"W-well, no."
"See! Maybe you just fell asleep and your.. soul just.. left your body for a minute?- I don't know but, it's best to not assume the worst, alright?" He assured.
"T-thanks." I sighed.
"No problem."

Suddenly there was a cough from outside the Wii, making us both jump.

"Oh- Sam! Sorry, I kinda forgot you were there." He admitted.
"It's fine. Anyways, do you and..?"

"Do you and Y/n wanna play some Wii sports?" She asked.
"Sure! Y/n?"
"Sure." I shrugged, following after Eteled to where I assumed the Wii sports area was.

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