The journal (pt. 1)

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CM and eteled are frenemies and they're able to leave the wii through the TV screen. When out of the wii, they take their human forms. (they're enemies)

Austins pov

It had been about a year and a half since me and Henry figured out we could get out of the wii.

We both live in between Sam's House and the wii now. We have to be careful of Sam's mom, as she doesn't know we exist yet.

Henry often went out, holding this weird square bag.

Eventually I got curious and decided to followed him to see where he was going.

Probably a bar, knowing him.

I didn't follow too close behind, but I was close enough as to be able to see him in the distance.

He started walking towards the nearby forest.

'Why was he going to a forest?' I wondered.

He started walking through the forest trail.

Suddenly, he froze. I dived behind a tree, and thank god I did. He looked behind him, paranoid. He sighed and continued walking.

I followed behind him again, more quietly this time, which wasn't easy since the floor was covered in sticks and branches.

I saw him slow down, so I stopped. He started walking off the trail, and into the deeper part of the forest. Eventually, he found a huge tree, and sat down next to it. He grabbed his bag and pulled out some sort of journal- diary? Whatever. It was a book that you write in. He then grabbed out a pen, and flipped about halfway through his book.

I decided I'd seen everything I wanted to see, so I started walking back to Sam's.

Time skip 1 hour

I saw Henry come back, putting his bag down somewhere. He grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen.

We shared a hateful glare as he walked past me, then going upstairs.

I noticed that he had left his bag downstairs.

Curiosity got the better of me and I grabbed his bag and pulled out his journal.

I flipped through his journal, eventually finding his most recent entry from earlier today.

The first page was titled;

"Everything recent".

Boring everyday shit.

The next page was titled;

"Sam/Sam's House ext."

Probably also boring.

I rolled my eyes.

Why is all of what he writes boring?

I was about to put the book down, but I ushered myself to keep reading.

I looked at the third page.

It was titled;


Wow, a whole page all about me, let's see

 what this fucker wrote about me!

I began reading the page.

Throughout the page, Henry explained how he regretted killing me, and how it was all just him being stupid and selfish.

Wow. He- actually regrets what he did?

I flipped the page to see if there was anything else, and there they were.

2 more full pages both titled;


I read through them, intrigued.

It was about the same as the first page, until that one line.

"God, I wish I hadn't killed him. Maybe if I didn't, he might love me back."

.. Love?

I continued reading.

"It's too late now. He hates me.. He despises me.I only wish it could've been different.

I hate that I love his stupid ass.

I hate that I want to kiss his stupid face.

I hate that he hates me.

I hate that I killed him.

I hate this.

I hate myself."

I- Does he-

Just then I heard walking down the stairs.

It was Henry.


He saw me standing with the book open in my hands. He quickly ripped it away from my grasp.

"Austin, what the fuck?!" He yelled.

I just stood there, processing what I had just read.

"How much did you read?!." He asked.

I couldnt respond. All I could do was stare.

He quickly lost patience for an answer, and just ran upstairs, clutching the journal in his arms.

I stood there, too in shock to say or do anything.

Suddenly I heard the front door unlock.

"Sam, I'm home!" A voice yelled.


I grabbed Henry's bag and sprinted up the stairs as quickly as I could, my heart racing.

The floorboards creaked loudly, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was that she did NOT see me.

After what felt like an eternity, I made it to the top.

I ran to Sam's room and jumped through the TV screen, into the mii channel.

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