Mr Kitty's Room.

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Inspo(?) by: @VanessaMoore3
Context: they're friends(ish). (6 months have passed since 'Run.')

3rd person

The two mii's kept going through the different levels in hopes of finding an escape, just about making it out alive.

While in Level -33, The Lukewarm Hotel, Eteled had found a pair of pink glasses on the floor. They had a thin baby blue rim with a pink tint to the lens and a blue and pink chain to keep them from getting lost.

Since they were in quite good condition and looked quite nice, he decided to take them. Once Austin had noticed Eteleds new accessory, he was soon to question it.

"Where did you get those?" He asked, tapping the metal that rested atop the bridge of Eteleds nose.

"Found them on the floor." He answered, swatting Austin's hand away.
"Do you just pick up every item you find lying around?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"No. They just looked nice." He replied.
"Alrighty then, short stack." He chuckled, walking on. Eteled followed him, sighing at the stupid name Austin had given him.

After wandering around the warm rooms of the hotel for a while, they eventually found the way out.

There was darkness. Only for a few seconds, but it felt much longer. Then there was a room. A pink room.

It had many cutesy pink items on shelves and baby pink backpacks hung up.

"Okay. This is.. different." Austin mumbled, mentally scanning the area. Eteled hummed in agreement.

He turned around, immediately jumping back and hiding behind Austin, clinging to his arm fearfully.

There was a being. A dark being. It had no hands, nor did it have feet, or a face. It just stood there.. silently watching.

Austin raised an eyebrow, smirking down at the shorter man. Eteled realised the situation and quickly backed away, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Don't give me that look. It caught me off guard, asshole." He grumbled, brushing invisible dust off of himself.

"Mhm. Sure sweetheart." Austin chuckled sarcastically.
"Oh fuck off." He rolled his eyes, looking back over at the.. creature.

It didn't seem harmful. At least for now. With the blink of an eye, it had disappeared, catching the two of them off guard.

"Okay then.." Austin mumbled, noticing a bed in the corner, before sitting down on it.
"Well this is a nice change of pace." He smiled.

"Yeah. Strange though." Eteled sat down besides him.
"This whole place is strange, Henry." He chuckled.
"Still not my name." Eteled groaned.

Austin snorted, lying back onto the bed.
"God, you sound like me." He giggled to himself. Eteled rose an eyebrow with genuine confusion.

"It's nothing." Austin looked towards the headboard of the bed, avoiding eye contact.
"Okay then.."

There was an awkward moment of silence, before Eteled realised something.

Eteleds pov

"Is it not uncomfortable wearing that armour all the time?" I asked.
"Well yeah, dumbass." He joked.
"So why don't you just take it off?" I questioned, shifting my weight onto my arm.

"Because I can't." He leaned up, tipping his head back.
"What do you mean, 'you can't'?" I wondered.
"It's metal stupid. It doesn't have a zip or an opening. I could only take it off in the Wii because I could code it off." He explained.

"Can't you still edit our models though?" I couldn't help but notice.
"Yeah but.. wait hold on. Let me try something."

He made the control panel appear again, turning the surrounding area into a purple sort of colour. The room went dead silent after that.

After a minute or two, I got bored and decided to explore the seemingly entirely pink house.
'Could this be something to do with the glasses?' I thought to myself.

I turned the corner, immediately jumping back when I saw that creature again. I gasped so hard I thought my lungs had exploded for a moment.

It just stared at me.. silently. It watched me intently before disappearing from thin air. After recovering from the scare, I continued exploring a little. After about 45 minutes, I had explored every room, and there didn't seem to be a way out.

It took another 10 minutes just to find Austin again. He was laying peacefully on the bed, fast asleep with his armour off.
'Looks like he got his armour-' I paused in my mind, looking just below his collar bone in slight confusion. 'off..'

I chose to ignore if for now and just wait for him to wake up. I sat down on the ground beside the bed.

I looked up at his face, seeing how calm he looked. He no longer had that shit-eating grin. He looked so calm. So peaceful.

He didn't usually sleep, while I oversleep, so seeing him in this state was new to me. I only noticed I was staring when I felt my face grow warm.

'What the fuck Eteled?! You were enemies not long ago! Pull yourself together!!' I mentally lectured myself. A tired groan pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Welcome back." He greeted. There it is again. That grin that says; "I want to see you suffer."

3rd person

"Hey." He mumbled. "How was your nap?"
(-Austin couldn't tell if the question was sarcastic or not but he answered anyways.-)

"Fine. Especially since I haven't slept in like.. what? A week now?-" Austin chuckled, stretching his arms.
"Two weeks actually."
"Explains a lot ."
There was a short pause.

"Did you explore the house?" He asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Yeah. No exit in sight." He replied. Austin let out a small hum, looking at the doorway again, followed by Eteled.

That thing was there again. Neither of them knew what it wanted, nor why it wasn't hurting them. Then suddenly Eteled remembered the glasses he was wearing, and if that could've tied into it somehow.

"I think I know why we're here." He stated suddenly.
"Because of the glasses I found."
Austin looked down at him, inspecting the glasses carefully.

"They do seem to match the theme.." Austin mumbled.
"Holy fuck." He gasped.
"You're actually agreeing with me?? Who are you and what have you don't with Austin?" He chuckled, cocking an eyebrow.

"It's not my fault you rarely make a good point." He playfully nudged him in the leg, making the two giggle.

"What if I just..?" He trailed off, stepping towards the being and took off his glasses.

He held them out in front of it, seeing if maybe it would take it. After a few seconds, he was about to pull his hand away until the glasses suddenly disappeared out of his hand, as if they were never there.

The floor cracked open, deep vantablack cracks lacing the floor and walls.
Crack. Crack. SMASH!

And there was falling. Darkness. Emptiness. And then they hit the ground.


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