Bittersweet Sorrow.

250 7 4

Context: they're dating
Austin's Pov

I was lying in bed, cuddling with Eteled. He was sat comfortably in my lap, fast asleep, but I was wide awake. I couldn't sleep.

Something was plaguing my mind, but I couldn't figure out quite what.
I felt numb. I felt empty.

The aching pressure in my chest seemed to slowly move up to my collar, then my neck, and into my eyes.

I noticed they became heavy and blurry. I felt warm, salty tears roll down my cheeks.

Shit. Why now? Although, I guess it's better than when he's awake. But still.

I wrapped my arms around him, squeezing tightly. I tried to keep my cries quiet. I couldn't let him know I was crying. I was supposed to be the strong one.

I don't wanna show him I'm weak. He doesn't have to know. I sighed quietly, trying not to be too loud. I deadpanned and stared blankly at the empty wall.

I was still trying to remember if what was bothering me, but nothing came to mind. The only thing I could remember was the feeling that accompanied the distant fuzz of what once was.

I clenched my jaw as I squeezed the molten tears out of my eyes.

Eteleds pov

I woke up to the sound of soft crying. I groaned quietly, moving away from Austin slightly.
"Austin?" I called out, rubbing my eyes.
"H-hey Et!-" He replied, quickly wiping thick tears from his eyes.

"Are you alright?" I asked.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine." He answered, looking far away from me.
"You sure? You don't seem it.." I pushed, taking his hand in mine.

"Eteled, I swear I'm fine!" I could see tears in his eyes, I could tell he was lying. I looked up at him, disbelieving of him.

"Austin." I cupped his head in one of my hands, turning his gaze to mine.

"If there's something bothering you, you can tell me, Y'know? You don't have to tell me exactly what's wrong if you don't want to. I'm not going to force you. But I need to know if something is wrong."

He grabbed ahold of my wrist, letting built up tears roll down his cheeks.
"I feel like shit." He mumbled into my hand.
"Why?" I tried to wipe away his tears with my thumb, but it wouldn't stop pouring.

"There's this fucking memory that keeps coming to mind. The memory of all these feelings and thoughts swirling round my head. But I can't remember what was actually happening. All I remember is how I felt." He sighed.

"And what emotions were they?"
"I dunno? Fear, anger, sadness, regret. Something along those lines."

"Hm. Well, I can't help you remember what's bothering you, but.." I held his cheeks with both of my hands, moving my face close to his. "I could help distract from it; if you want."

He nodded slightly, giggling quietly. I moved closer, gently pecking his lips before full on kissing him. Each kiss lasted about four seconds each with little breaks.

After a couple minutes, I pulled away, he wasn't crying anymore. That's a good sign.

I began to kiss all around his face, making him let out a soft gasp.

"Ah- fuck! That tickles!" He laughed between breaths. "Stoooppp! Hah- I'm supposed to be the one who attacks you with kisses!"

"Never! Who's the capable one now, hmm?" I joked; and after a few moments, I eventually gave him a break. We both giggled for a moment, enjoying the pleasant moment.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in closely. He gently kissed me on the forehead.

"Thank you.." He mumbled, almost whispering.
"You don't have to thank me dumbass. You're my boyfriend. If you're sad, obviously I'm going to try to help you." I cuddled him back, placing my weight into his body.

"I know, but.. Still. Thanks."
"Your welcome, I guess." I pecked him on the cheek, resting against him comfortably.

"Love you stupid."
"Love you too idiot."

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