Enemii comfort (remake)

350 10 11

Context: they're enemies.
Austin's Pov

I teleported to the end of the hallway to electrocute Henry again. Honestly, I didn't get any kind of satisfaction from it anymore, but I still chose to do it.

Why? Revenge. Boredom. There's not much you can do when trapped inside of a Wii.

I turned the corner to look into the mii channel and saw Henry sat down with his head buried in his knees. I could hear fast, heavy breathing coming from him.

Is he having a panic attack?

I had a moment of sympathy for him. Should I.. help him?. N-no. No. He ruined me. He ruined my world. Just means he won't put up much of a fight.

I teleported beside him, grabbing him by the arm.
"Miss me Henry~?" I smirked. He immediately began trying to pull himself away from me, his breath getting even quicker.

I began to drag him as he desperately tried to get out of my grasp. He kicked, cried and begged between breaths.

Suddenly, I had a feeling of guilt. I tried to brush it of and just finish dragging him to the delete icon, but it felt like I was being weighed down by something.

I sighed in annoyance, letting go of him. He immediately shuffled back, trying to get away but he was so caught up in his own panic, he could barely breathe, let alone move.

He curled into ball, placing his hands over his head as a way to at least attempt to protect himself.

'At this rate he's going to pass out.' I thought. I sat down in front of him, mentally preparing myself to be nice to him.

"Hey.. uhm Eteled?" I said. He uncovered himself slightly, looking towards me fearfully. He summoned his axe, pointing it towards me in terror.

"Hey, hey. Easy. I'm.. I'm not gonna hurt you. You're safe." I cooed.
He looked at me with confusion and fear. He kept his axe pointed towards me, understandably.

"Can you, uhm.. how did this shit go again?.. Right. Can you tell me 5 things you can see?" I asked.

The room went silent for a moment before he responded with his eyes searching round the mii channel.

"You.. my axe.. t-the floor tiles.. my hands.." He paused for a moment. "Claws."

"Okay, and uhm, 4 things you can.. feel." I continued. He lowered his axe as his breathing got slower.
"The ground, my turtleneck.. the a-axe and.. uhm my pants." He said.

"Good, now 3 thing you can.. uhhh hear." I continued.
"Music, you and myself." He responded quickly.

"Perfect. Now 2 things you can smell. Since there's nothing you can actually smell in a Wii, just come up with random smells." I explained.

He was quiet for a moment, thinking deeply.
"Alcohol and gasoline." He deadpanned, as if recalling a bad memory.

"And one thing you can taste?" I asked again.

.. Excuse me? Did he just say blood?

"Why do you taste blood?." I questioned with concern.
"Our fights, electrocution, ext." He looked up at me calmly while I looked down in worry.

"Well, you've got me calm. You gonna beat the shit out of me and electrocute me now?" He asked, pain lingering in his voice.

"No. Not now at least. I'll just.. wait until tomorrow I guess." I mumbled in response.

He looked up at me, surprised.
"T-thanks.. I guess?" He stuttered awkwardly. There was yet another awkward silence before I sighed and pulled up the control panel.

"How the fuck do you put up with this annoying ass music all the time??" I asked.
"Stopped caring."
"Fair enough."
After a few seconds, the music shut off.

Hen.. Eteled curled up into a ball, easing up. After about 10 minutes, he fell asleep. I knew that because he leaned against me.

I sighed, pulling him onto my lap. I figured I'd be a little more comfortable than the floor.

"Sweet dreams little mii."

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