
217 3 11

Requested by: @RaiSanMorrs12345
Context: they're dating.
(I'm sick rn, so I figured I'd write this)


Austin's Pov

I was sat on my bed, scrolling on my phone, bored out of my mind. I figured I could go see Eteled, so I sat up and shoved my phone into my pocket.

I teleported to the Mii Channel, seeing him curled up in a ball on the floor.
"Et?" I called out. He perked up at the sound of my voice.
"Hey Aust." He replied. His voice was dry and nasally.

"Are you-?" I was cut off by a loud sneeze.
"Sorry." He apologised, snivelling.

"Are you sick?" I asked. He nodded.
"Yeah, but it's fine. I'll live." He assured. I sat down beside him, softly holding his head in my hand. I gently kissed him on the forehead.

"Poor baby." I whispered. He giggled softly. "Do you need anything? Like- is there anything you want me to code in for you?" I questioned.

"It's fine, honestly." He reassured. I noticed his model glitching ever so slightly.
"I know, it's just.. we aren't even supposed to be able to get sick. I'm concerned." I sighed.
"Austin. Everything is going to be okay, alright? I'm going to be fine." He assured.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him in close.
"Do you want me to carry you to your bedroom? It's not exactly comfortable sitting on these cold ass tiles." I chuckled softly. He nodded, nuzzling his head into my chest.

I carefully picked him up, holding him by the thighs. I walked into his bedroom, lovingly placing him down onto the bed and plopping myself down beside him.

"Are you sure you don't want anything? I mean, I'm not entirely sure if anything will actually help, but it's worth a shot, isn't it?" I felt like a broken record repeating myself; but I wanted to be sure.

"Well I mean- I don't really know what helps with colds so I'm not really sure what to ask for." He explained.

"Usually soup and paracetamol does the trick." I replied.
"I dunno if they'll work, considering this model is mostly just code. But if you want me to try then I will." He smiled.

I pulled up the control panel, coding in some soup and paracetamol. It took about 10 minutes but eventually I'd finished. I got rid of the control panel and slowly handed him the bowl of soup and the two paracetamol tablets.

He stared down at the soup for a moment, seemingly thinking about something. He stirred the mixture slowly.
"Are there lumps in this?" He asked, a slightly anxious look on his face.

"No, don't worry. I know you're not very good with textures so I figured I'd make it as smooth as possible. I assumed you'd be able to swallow the pills with it." I answered.

He smiled. He wasn't looking at me when he smiled, but I knew that that smile was meant for me.
"Thank you."

"Hey! What are boyfriends for?" I joked, watching him throw the pills into his mouth, swallowing them with the soup.
"Yeah, it's all shits and giggles until you actually try and make this without any coding." He teased playfully.
"Oh god, I'd burn the fucking Wii down." I laughed.

We both talked and laughed for a while, until he finished the soup, placing the empty bowl on his bedside table.

He yawned tiredly, wrapping his arms around my waist. I did the same, pulling him in close. He nuzzled into my chest again, getting comfortable as I kissed his forehead.

"Falling asleep already?" I slanted an eyebrow, a slight tease in my tone.
"Mhmm." He hummed.

I slowly began tracing kisses down from his forehead, to the bridge of his nose, eventually landing on his lips.

The kiss was short and sweet before it parted. He chuckled tiredly, melting into me. There was a comforting silence that lingered in the air.

But that silence was suddenly broken by a loud ass sneeze.

Eteleds pov

"Eehh.." I groaned.
I pulled away from Austin slightly, looking at his chest to see a layer of snot stuck or his shirt.

"Ah- shit. Sorry." I apologised, using my sleeve to try and scrub at his shirt to get rid of the snot.
"Nah. It's fine. It'll come out." He brushed it off.

"Yeah, but it's still gross." I sighed, giving up scrubbing when I realised I was only making it worse.
"Et. I've had worse things in my mouth, okay? Shit happens. It's not your fault, you dumbass." He lightly teased, cupping my head and kissing my lips.

"Y'know, if you keep being so touchy, you're gonna catch my cold." He remarked teasingly.
"At least then you won't be alone." He chuckled.

"You're so stupid." I giggled sweetly.
"I know." He answered with a bubbly tone.

"I love you for it, though." I assured.
"I love you too." He kissed my forehead one last time before I slipped into blissful unconsciousness.

Austeled one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now