Right on time.

192 7 3

Requested by: Musiclovr4

Context: Henry never killed Austin. They never formally meet but they've seen each other around. Henry dosent like Austin and  Austin has a wee crush on the other.

Cw: Vomiting, mentions of being an alcoholic.

Austin's pov

I was coming back from my lunch break. I figured on the way I could check on the Wii's.

Not for any particular reason, I just had a gut feeling like I should. (-I also liked to see all those Wii's stacked up in one area.-)

As I entered the massive room which harboured all the Wii's, I saw another guy there. It was that hot dude I'd seen around work. I think his name was Henry.

Longish black hair, pale skin, blue eyes. He always seemed to wear the same long sleeve black shirt and black sweatpants.

I never questioned it though; I thought it went well with his skin tone and his hair. Okay, enough totally straight monologuing now, back to the situation.

I saw him pick one one of the Wii's, carrying it with him into one of the rooms in the back.

Just as he walked into the room, I noticed that he was also holding a half empty bottle of beer.

I stood still. My brain was telling me to get back to my desk before Todd or someone else figures out I'm not there and I get fired.

But my gut was screaming at me to go in there. Something didn't feel right about this. Why did he even grab a Wii? Drunken idiocy? Boredom?

I decided not to listen to my gut. It was probably just my anxiety acting up.

I sat down at my desk, trying to get my mind off of the whole scenario. I got to work, coding endlessly.

After about ten minutes, I had forgotten about the whole thing; until I felt a sharp pang of anxiety twist in my stomach.

I needed to go see what was going on. And without a second thought, I ran to check that back room.

I sprinted down the halls narrowly missing coworkers and corners. I bursted into the room seeing him sat in-front of a fully set up Wii, reaching down to a sparking plug.

I ran up to him, grabbing his arm just before it met with the dangerous plug. He jumped harshly, looking towards me sharply.

"ARE YOU BLIND?! IT'S FUCKING SPARKING." I scolded, dragging his hand away. He sluggishly looked back down at the plug.

"Oh yeah." He mumbled.
"OH YEAH?? YOU ALMOST JUST DIED!" I yelled. He shrugged.
"Oh well." He sighed. I looked back over to the desk to see a half empty bottle of beer resting still.

"Are you drunk?" I asked. The question seemed to answer itself, but I figured I should ask anyways. He hummed a faint 'yes'.

"Jesus. Just.." I grabbed his hand, pulling him out of the chair. "Come with me."
He limply obliged, practically dragging himself as he grabbed the bottle of beer off the side.

As I looked back I also saw a mii he created. "Eteled". The fuck? After a short moment I realised it was 'delete' backwards. Weird.

I pulled him out of the room, holding him firmly by the wrist. I was on my way to take him to Todd, when out of nowhere he ripped his hand away and sprinted in the opposite direction.

I quickly followed behind, almost tripping over my own two feet from the speed I needed to keep up to stay behind him. Why the fuck is he so fast??

He practically slammed the bathroom doors open, making a beeline for a stall. Loud gagging could be heard as he emptied his stomach into the toilet. I walked in awkwardly to check on him.

I walked into his stall, helping hold his hair back as he practically vomited out his guts, clutching to the toilet seat.

After a short while he stopped, pulling his head back as he gasped for air. I let go of his hair, letting it fall back into its original spots.

His eyes were tear-stained and his face had become a cherry red, slight drool around his mouth; which he quickly whipped off.

"You okay?" I asked with concern. He continued to catch his breath, avoiding eye contact. After a short moment he mumbled out a short question.

"Why are you here..?" He asked, almost as a whisper.
"What do you mean?" I replied with confusion.

"Why did you follow me? Why are you here now? Why did you help hold my hair back? And why are you asking if I'm okay!?" He answered, his voice getting noticeably louder.

"I'm the 'weirdo alcoholic coworker' no one wants to get involved with! So why are you here?!"
"Because you're human too, Y'know." I stated bluntly.

"Yeah, most people think you're a weirdo before they even meet you, but I don't think that. Sure, you're reclusive and probably an alcoholic, but that dosen't inherently make you a bad or weird person."

He looked at me like I just told him I threw a baby out a window.

"That's a first." It was sad how surprised he was at me saying that. Was I saying a lot of that just because I thought he was hot, maybe.

But even so, I shouldn't judge him just off of looks or first impressions.

He blinked away some tears, looking at me more closely.
"Wait.. Austin?" He mumbled, half to himself, half to me.

"How do you know my name?" I cocked an eyebrow in confusion. He looked away silently, turning his head away as much as he could.

"Whatever, I can ask questions later." I stood up, holding my hand out for him. "C'mon."

"Where are we going?" He interrogated suspiciously.
"To get you some food from a vending machine or something. It helps to soak up alcohol." I explained. He took my hand, pulling himself up.

"You know that's mostly just foods like toast or crackers that soak it up, right?" He questioned with amusement, flushing the toilet before walking out of the stall with me.

"Yeah, but it still helps. Even if it's not as effective, it's still something." I explained. He nodded quietly as I directed him out of the bathroom.

"So, which vending machine we going to? There isn't much to choose from, but we don't really have enough time to go anywhere."
"Whatever's closest."

"There's one just down the hall, do you wanna go get something from that one?" I asked, he nodded. We made small talk on the way there, I got to know him a little. It was nice to have a genuine conversation for once.

We made it to the machine and I got him what he wanted.
"Thank you.." He mumbled.
"No problem! Just.. try not to let that happen again.. please." I said, a slight beg in my voice.

"I'll try." He smiled softly.

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