Making out

675 8 30

Requested by: austinofthewoods (SORRY IF I MADE IT TOO SEGGSUAL, OR NOT ENOUGH)

Context: they're dating.

Cw: Seggsual content.

Eteleds pov

Me and Austin were sat in the mii channel, like usual. He was coding something and I was watching. I got bored and thought of something to do.

I sighed, getting up onto my knees. I placed both of my hands on his thigh, lightly kissing his cheek. Austin looked at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Give me attention." I said, making him laugh a little

"There it is." He replied, expectantly.

He got rid of the control panel and pulled me onto his lap. He pulled me closer, kissing me on the lips. He placed a hand under my jaw, caressing my cheek with his thumb.

I pulled away, needing to breathe. He immediately pulled me back in, giving me little time to breathe. He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance, to which I gave.

He explored my mouth, feeling every serface he could. I could barely breathe, yet I never wanted this moment to end. I felt like I was about to pass out, so I had to pull away. I desperately tried to catch my breath as Austin laughed softly.

"C'mon doll, you can go longer then that~" He teased, pulling me back in.

Our tongues swirled together, creating a wet sloppy mess. I m0aned softly, tracing a hand down his waist. I felt his hand trace up my leg, grabbing onto my hip. He dug his fingers into me slightly, making me m0an louder.

I felt blood rush "downwards" as our tongues gr!nded against each other. I pulled away, gasping sharply. I immediately pulled him back in, shoving my t0ngue into his mouth.

I felt myself becoming more d0m!nant as I heard him gr0an quietly.

I traced a finger down his v-l!ne. His moans vibrated between us. He pulled away, inhaling sharply.

I smirked at him, rubbing a couple of fingers on his cr0tch.

He tipped his head up, whining. I pushed him to the floor, grinding on his pv$$y.

"Mmh.. Ett~ Please just fvck me alreadyy~" He whined.

"Of course, my love~"

Sorry it took forever sos

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