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(This AU is basically after the wii melts, instead of going to the void, Austin and Eteled get sent to the backrooms level 0.)

Context: they're enemies.
3rd person.

The wii had melted. Austin and Eteled felt as their souls leave their body's, or so they thought.

They were both falling, they thought they were in the colourless void.

Until they hit the ground.

"Ughh.. What the-.." Austin groaned, opening his eyes. He winced and sat up as he felt the sharp pain in the back of his head.

He looked around and saw light yellow walls and a sickly yellow carpet. He then noticed how wet the carpet was.

It wasn't wet enough to squelch, but it was wet enough to be uncomfortable to the touch. (The jokes I could make rn 💀)

The lights flickered as the smell of dust filled his lungs. His eyes adjusted more and he suddenly realised Eteled was a few feet from him.

"Henry, where are we?" He asked, then realising he was still asleep
"Henry, wake up." No response.
"HENRY!" He yelled, kicking him in the waist.

"OW!" Eteled exclaimed as his body jolting up. He quickly backed away, trying to hold his side.

"Ew. What the hell?" He mumbled, looking down at the carpet, realising how damp it was. He stood up, almost tripping from the dizziness because of the fall.

He then got hit with that same stinging feeling in the back of his head, but he just gritted his teeth and ignored it as best as he could.

"Where are we?" He asked, looking at Austin as he gently rubbed the spot Austin had kicked.

"That's what I was trying to ask you." He replied, glaring at Eteled and standing up.

Suddenly, they both heard a noise...

Eteled jumped while Austins eyes flickered to where the noise was coming from. The noise came from somewhere behind Eteled, so he turned around and froze.

There was a creature, with a thin mangled body. It illuminated the sound of loud static.

They both stood frozen for a second, until they heard it loudly screech. They both sprinted away quickly, eventually loosing each other.

After a while, Austin stopped to catch his breath, noticing neither the creature nor Eteled were behind him.

He decided to walk around slowly, looking for.. well, anything really. An escape, Eteled, that creature.

After a while. he had found a square hole in the wall with a ladder placed underneath. Although he wouldn't need it since he was already tall enough to get up.

Eteled was sprinting through the rooms as quick as he could, the monster was quick. It was loudly screaching at him. He almost tripped a couple times, but eventually he outran the creature.

He leaned against one of the walls, desperately trying to catch his breath, then realising Austin wasn't with him.

He wandered around for a bit and eventually found him standing next to the hole with the ladder.

"Where the fuck did you go??" He questioned.
"Away from that thing, clearly." Austin answered bluntly. Eteled sighed and turned his head towards the hole in the wall.

"Should we go through it?" Eteled asked.
"I can't, I'll get stuck." Austin replied.

They both thought for a moment. Neither of them wanted to be split up, despite hating each other.

Austin had an idea, though he wasn't sure if it would work. He closed his eyes and thought. He then opened them and..
It worked!

The translucent screen illuminated the room with a bluish light, turning the area around then a slight sickly green.

He couldn't change anything about the world around him, but he could edit his own and Eteleds code.

He changed his code and to his supprise, it worked. He changed his height to somewhere around Eteleds.

"How did you?-"
"We don't have time for questions. Now come on, we need to go before that thing finds us." He said, blatantly cutting Eteled off.

He then climbed up the ladder, soon followed by Eteled. Austin had already changed his height once Eteled had jumped down on the other side.

They both looked around. The rooms were very similar to before, except the colour was more greenish and the carpet and walls were now absolutely drenched.

Austin started to walk away somewhere and Eteled followed. They felt like they were walking for hours, when Austin suddenly stopped.

Eteled was zoned out, so he didn't realise Austin had stopped. He bumped into him, snapping him out of his trance.

He nearly fell backward, but caught himself. Austin looked back at him with a pissed off look, and then back at what he'd noticed.

It was a gap in the wall. They both went through and saw a hole in the floor near the corner of the room.

They soon heard loud static nearby. That thing had had found them, and it was coming.

It came through the crack in the wall, screeching. Eteled got scared and accidently tripped down the hole. Austin groaned and jumped down with him.

Sorry I haven't posted in (probably) ages. I'm low on motivation and I'm starting to grow a hyperfixation with 'The Stanley Parable' (aka stanarrator lmao).

Austeled one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now