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Context: they're dating.
3rd person.

They were both in bed together. Eteled was tucked into the covers, fast asleep while Austin was wide awake sat against the backboard. He couldn't sleep.

The room was dark. Not pitch black but still dark. There was enough light to shimmer off of Austin's unfallen tears.

Eteled awoke, groaning tiredly. He rubbed his eyes and looked up at the other.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah." Austin sighed. "Just my daily dose of gender dysphoria." His tone was joking and friendly but there was a hint of seriousness to it.

Eteled leaned upright, now sitting up beside him.
"Why do you get gender dysphoria so much? I mean, I don't actually know what it's like first hand, obviously. But I don't see why it could be this bad." He explained.

"I just.. for all of my childhood people just tried to convince me I was just a confused young woman. And I guess that kinda stuck with me." He answered, looking away from the other.

Eteleds pov

I looked over to Austin, humming quietly before I climbed atop his lap; facing him. I quickly cupped his head in my hands, slapping his cheeks slightly.

He looked at me with a confused but mildly amused face.
"Austin. There is no girl here. There is no woman in this relationship, okay? We are men. Say it with me." I paused. "We. Are. Men."
"You are so stupid." He smiled.

"C'mon, humour me at least." I cocked an eyebrow.
"Fine, Fine." I could see him holding back a laugh.

"We. Are. Men."
"We are men."
"C'mon louder! We are men!"
"We are men!"

I smiled proudly. "See? Was that so hard?"
"You're so gay." He laughed.
"Exactly my point." I took my hands off of his face, placing them on my shoulders.

"Assholes from your past shouldn't dictate how you feel about yourself. Just because everything here.." I gesture to his chest. "And everything here.." I gesture to his crotch. "Isn't what people think it should be, dosen't mean you aren't a man."

"No, what really matters is what's here.." I tap his head with my finger. "And what's here." I gently placed my palm on his heart.

I smiled warmly at him. He let out a soft sigh, smiling with me.
"Why can't I be as good at comforting as you??" He joked.

"You are good at comforting you dumbass." I took my hand away from his chest, cupping his head in my hand again.
"I'm literally shit what are you on about??"

"Your presence is calming in itself when you're not putting up that shitty 'I'm better than everyone' persona." I laugh softly.
"And how do you know that's a persona?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"Because I'm not stupid?? That whole act you put on is just a way of making yourself seem cooler and more confident. It's like getting ass implants. It's fake. I can tell it's not really you. But when the mask slips your whole personality becomes so much more genuine." I explained. He was silent for a moment.

"First of all, what a metaphor. Second of all, I feel like I just got read like a fucking book."
"You're easy to read."

I pecked him in the lips.
"Apparently so."

"You feeling any better?" I asked sincerely. He nodded softly.
"Despite how stupid you are, I actually do feel a little better." He snickered.

"Good." I gave him another small kiss on the lips.

"I hate you-"
"I know you love me~!"
"You know me too well."
"It's my specialty."

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