Horror movie

487 11 17

Context: they're dating

3rd person

Austin and Eteled were lying in bed together watching a horror movie.

Austin had specifically put on a horror movie so Eteled would get scared and snuggle into him for comfort. But instead Eteled was perfectly fine and Austin was terrified.

But being the giga Chad that Austin was, he tried his best to hide it. And he was successful until there was a huge jumpscare. He jumped really hard, causing Eteled to finally fucking notice.

"You okay?" He asked, looking up at Austin.

"Y-Yeah, just c-caught me off guard." He responded, looking back at him.

Eteled raised an eyebrow, not believing him. He could visually see that Austin was scared. He grabbed the remote and paused the movie.

"Et I'm fine, really!" He assured.

Eteled ignored him and got to eye level with him. He cupped Austins head in both of his hands.

"Look, Aust. I know you love to act all tough but I'm not stupid." He said.

Austins lips parted to respond, but nothing came out, so he just looked away silently.

"You want me to change the movie?" He asked.

Austin gave a small nod. Eteled let go of Austin and grabbed the remote. They both picked out a different film and cuddled, eventually falling asleep.

Sorry it's short but I've been really busy with a bunch of stuff, sorry 😭😭

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