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Context: they're enemies.
Eteleds pov.

I was sat in the mii channel, bored out of my mind. Honestly I just wanted to sleep until Sam got back from school.

I sighed, closing my eyes, immediately shooting them back open when I heard a faint 'clink!' behind me.

I was about to jump up until I felt one hand wrap around my torso, and another over my mouth. He had a rag in his hand, and.. a-and h..he...


And then everything went black.

I opened my eyes groggily. I was lying uncomfortably in one of the beds in the hospital-like hallway, with wires attached to a heart monitor stuck on me.

"Mmh.. w-what..?" I mumbled, almost incoherently. I tried to sit up, but to no use. I felt drunk out of my mind, yet also so hungover at the same time.

I saw Austin walking towards me in the distance. I tried to get up and run, but every digital bone, every fake vein, every coded muscle was begging for rest.

He walked up beside me, ripping the wires off and picking me up. I tried to punch him but all I could do is hit my hand against his chest plate.

"L-let.. go.." I mumbled, my body feeling disheveled and fatigued. Even my voice sounded tired.

"If you think that's gonna work then you're wrong." He rolled his eyes at my attempts to free myself.

I whined, barely scratching at his chest. I rested my head against the cold chest plate, feeling my body slowly giving up more.

"P-please.. s-sstopp..." I begged, feeing my head get fuzzy. I continued to whine quietly like a kicked puppy.

He stopped dead in his tracks, not moving a muscle. I used this as an opportunity and with both arms, I shoved myself away from him as hard as I could.

His arms let go of me and when my ass made contact with the floor, a sharp pain made its way up my spine.

That pain was somewhat enough to bring back my senses a bit. I looked up at him to see his face was completely red.

Why is he-?.. oh. OH.

At that moment I realised the noises I was making. I hadn't realised how.. lewd it had sounded until just now. I get my face go strawberry red with embarrassment.

I figured this was my opportunity to run, so with achy limbs, I beelined down the hall, in the direction of the mii channel. I knew I couldn't l run, but maybe I could hide.

He quickly followed behind, catching up and grabbing my shirt to yank me back. I fell on that same sore spot on my ass that hurt oh, so much. By that I mean FUCKING OW.

I kicked and scratched at him as he pounced on me, feeling myself becoming more and more energetic.

He roughly grabbed my wrists, shoving them to the ground.
"Ow. Also GET THE FUCK OFF YOU HORNY BASTARD." I screamed, getting one leg free and attempting to kick him in the balls.

He cocked an eyebrow at this action.
"Well done." He mocked sarcastically.
"I- wha-??" I questioned.

"You realise even if I had a dick, I'm wearing metal, right? Like that wouldn't hurt either way you dumbass." He teleported behind me, beginning to drag me to the electric chair room.

I dragged my feet along the floor, trying to hold myself down but to no advantage.

"Oh, ouch. I'm so hurt." He chuckled, rolling his eyes. He looked away from me, looking instead at the electric chair in the distance.

While he was looking away, I turned my body around to face him, kicking his ankles out from under him. He lost his balance, tripping over onto me.


He shoved me down to the ground again by the chest.
"Y'know I figured that fucking chloroform would've lasted a bit longer." He sighed, shoving my head to the ground.

Without thinking, I jabbed him in the eyes with my fingers. He winced sharply.
"YOU LITTLE BITCH." He growled, immediately letting go of me to rub his eyes.

I took this opportunity to run, quickly skedaddling under one of the hospital beds to hide.

"Oh you little slut." He hissed. He knew I was under one of these beds, he just didn't know which one.

I could hear him walking around the hallway, getting closer and further away again. I covered a hand over my mouth, trying my best to not make too much noise.

I heard him walking around for a bit, getting closer and further in somewhat quick succession. After a couple minutes I heard his footsteps walk off into the distance.

I waited a good 10 minutes before slowly coming out from underneath the bed like some demon under the bed.

I tiptoed my way back to the mii channel, cautiously looking around as I made my way down the hall.

I eventually made it to the mii channel, sighing as I sat on the cold tiles. I sighed in relief of not getting caught. I would've taken a nap, but I didn't wanna risk Austin coming in here again.

So I just patiently waited for Sam to get back from school.

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