"You listen?.."

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Eteled has human hands in this.
Context: they're preppy besties
3rd person

Austin liked to talk a lot.

He liked to talk about old hobbies, interests, ideas ext.

He used to just talk to himself in the electric chair room, but since he was "friends" (gay for) eteled, he had someone else to share this with. He had talked with him for a few months, though he never thought that eteled actually listened to him, but it still liked to talk anyways.

One day, they were having a conversation as usual, Austin doing most of the talking and eteled doing most of the listening. As Austin was talking, he mentioned his favourite colour.

He stated that this said colour was black, though he had informed that it was red not long ago.

"I remember my favorite colour was.. Uhm, oh! Black! Right!-" He said.

"Wait, but I though you said your favorite colour was red?" Eteled interupted.

Austin gave him a suprised look, shocked that he remembered, or even payed attention at all.

"Oh right- Uhm y-yeah, it was uhm.." He stuttered, feeling slight tears prick his eyes.

"Woah! Hey! You okay? Did I say something wrong? Fuck- I'm sorry-" He concerned, moving closer.

"N-No it's fi-ine I just- .. Didn't think you actu-ually payed attention. I kn-now its stupid. So-orry." he replied, his voice breaking.

Eteled was kinda suprised by his response.

"Austin. I- *sighs*..  I keep a journal that has everything you tell me in it, so what makes you think I don't listen?" He admitted.

Austin was completely taken aback by his response.

He actually listened.

No. Not only that.

He cares so much that he made a whole journal dedicated it.

Austin went from tearing up to silent sobbing, covering his face with one of his hands.

"S-sor-rry." he quietly apologised again, embarrassed.

Eteled cupped Austins head in his hand and wiped away the tears from that half of his face.

Eteled smiled at him reassuringly, causing Austins heart to flutter (GAY HOMOSEXUAL :D)

Eteled then pulled his hand away and pulled in Austin for a hug.

After awile of eteled whispering sweet nothings to Austin to calm him down, austin fell asleep, soon followed by Eteled.

Austeled one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now