Drunk Austin.

405 9 12

Context: they're enemies.
Cw: mentions of alcohol, being an alcoholic, hornee stuff ext.

3rd person:

It was around 10pm. Austin was sat beside the electric chair, drunk as fuck. He had remembered seeing Eteled drinking before he died, and wanted to know what all the buzz was about.

And there he sat, smacked off his tits.

Since he'd never had alcohol before, he had absolutely no immunity towards it, and since he hadn't eaten in 10 years, there was nothing to soak it up either.

He couldn't think straight. His drink slowly started tasting like flirting with Eteled (-metaphorically, obviously-).

He gave into temptation and managed to teleport to the end of the hallway. He looked out to see Eteled sitting in the middle of the mii channel as per usual.

Austin teleported behind him, crouching down to hug him by the waist.

"Hey Etty~" He started. Eteled instinctively tried to get away from Austin's grasp.

"Austin! Let me go!!" Eteled yelled, kicking and scratching.
"Hmmmmm.. no." He replied, making his grip tighter.

Eteled continued to try to get away. Austin placed his head in the crook of Eteleds neck, leaving small kisses, making him freeze as his mind blanked for a moment.

Eteleds pov

What the fuck-

"A-Austin, w-what-?" I asked.
"Shut it, doll face." He slurred, moving his hands under my sweater.

I felt my face grow hot as he slowly moved his hands further up towards my chest. The scent of alcohol radiated from his breath.

"A-Austin- are you drunk??" I asked. He giggled, wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Caught red handed." He joked. (/ref)

"How did you even code alcohol into the Wii??" I continued, holding his arms down to prevent him lifting them any higher.

"I have my ways, doll." He replied. Without warning, he teleported in front of me, leaning in close.

I felt my face go red as he stared at my lips. I snapped back into reality and realised two things.

One, he's my literal enemy.
Two, he's drunk.

"Back up bitch-" I stated, shoving his face back with my hands. He laughed, falling backwards.

"Oh noo. I've been defeattteedddd. Whatever shall I do?~" He giggled.

"Get your ass to bed." I replied with a deadpan tone.
"Uuggghhhhhhhhhh, you're no funnn." He slurred, rolling his eyes.

"C'mon." I said, standing up. He hummed back in confusion.
"We're getting you to bed."

"Nooooo. I don't wannaaa." He whined as I grabbed his hand, trying to pull him into my bedroom.

"Come.. on!-" I strained, trying to pull him and getting absolutely nowhere.

He laughed at my attempts to move him.
"I'm made of metal.." he paused, hiccuping slightly. "Dummy~!"

"Wait.. I thought the only metal was your armour and hands-"
"Nahhh. Metal arms n' legs innit?" He replied in a really bad sudden British accent.

"Where the fuck did the accent come from??-" I questioned, taking a second to catch my breath from pulling him.

"Magic, innit?" He laughed.
"God.. you really are drunk." I sighed. He only snickered back at me.

I moved in front of him, getting between his legs to try to push him instead.

"Ooh, k!nky~ I didn't take you for a top~!"
"Austin shut up."

I put my hands on the underside of his thighs and tried to push him, using every muscle I could.

"Keep it up, and you might move me a couple inches!" He mocked. (SPRINGTRAP AND DELIAH)

"Ugh. You're unbearable." I groaned, still pushing.
"Bad time to say I have a degr@dation k!nk~?" He teased.

I went silent for a moment.
"I'm saying nothing."
"Just said something."
I sighed, standing up.
"Why are you SO h0rny??"
He shrugged, smirking.

I turned away, thinking for a moment. I felt a hand wrap around my ankle. I look down and see him looking up at me with a pout.

"Don't leaavvveeeee." He complained. Suddenly, an idea popped into my mind.
"Y'know what. I don't care if you're going to bed or not, but I am." I groaned.

"Nooooooo. I don't wanna be allllooooonnnnnneeeeeeeeee!" He whined.
"Then come with me." I replied. He went quiet for a moment, before raising an eyebrow, smirking.

"Now we're gettin' interestin' sugar~" He smirked, standing up and doing a shitty Midwest American accent. (Yee haw 😜) (pls tell me someone gets that joke 💀)

"We're not fvcking." I groaned, taking his hand, pulling him towards my bedroom.
"Ugh. Fine." He groaned.

I took him inside, managing to get him onto the bed. He bit his lip, looking me up and down as I sat beside him.

3rd person

"Why are you so incredibly h0rny?? It's actually almost impressive." Eteled chuckled.

"Mmh~ I want some some d!ck in my pvss." Austin groaned, tightly clinging onto Eteleds waist, resting his head on his chest.

"I- Austin.."
"Shush." Eteled chuckled emptily, sighing.
"You are so gonna kick my ass when you sober up.." He sighed, grimacing ever so slightly.
"Mmhhh.. Noooooo.." Austin whined, squeezing the shorter man tighter.

Eteled looked down at him with confusion. What was up with that reaction??
"I don't-" He paused, groaning tiredly as he sat up. "I don't hate ya'. Not anymore anyways."

Eteled looked back with pure confusion and shock. He was about to question it before Austin interrupted.

"I only electrocute you cause it's like.." He paused, looking away. "Fuck. Whats the word??" There was a very short pause before he continued. "Routine! Yeah, that."

Eteled was too stunned to speak, trying to rationalise the situation.
"Wow. You must really be drunk if you're-"


His voice was deep and commanding. It instantly made Eteled go quiet.

"I don't hate you any more. Not nearly as much as I used to anyways. And yeah, I'm still pissed off. I'm still upset. But for the love of Christ-"

He sighed loudly, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Maybe we could just.. talk about it? Not now though cause I think I'm gonna pass out but y'know."

He quickly moved back into the position he was in before, resting gently against the older mii.

It was quiet. Almost too quiet. Almost.

But the faint sound of Austin's steady breathing as he drifted off into a deep sleep helped Eteled to keep calm.

After what felt like an eternity (-but what had really only been 20 minutes-) Eteled also started to feel himself drifting off too.

He quickly gave into the warm darkness of unconsciousness, feeling his limbs go numb.

(Sorry I haven't posted lately, I'm just really mentally drained and unmotivated rn but I'm trying my best 😍👍)

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