The journal (pt. 3)

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Time skip 4 months 

(they're in the mii channel)

"Oh- hey Aust!" said Eteled.

"Hello darling~" Austin replied, sitting down beside him.

"Shut upp!" He replied, hiding his face in his hands to cover his smile.

He hated to admit it, but he honestly liked when Austin gave him little nicknames.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it! It's so cute watching you get all flusered!" Austin deflected, giggling.

"Hypocrite." Eteled mumbled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

Suddenly, Eteled climbed atop Austins lap, raising himself above him. He placed his pointer finger beneath Austins chin, and his thumb on his lip.

"Awe, look who's getting all flusered now~" He teased, seeing Austins face turn red.

He moved himself closer to Austin, removing his thumb. He pulled Austin into a deep kiss, holding his jaw in his hand.

They were both so focused on the kiss that they hadn't noticed the wii switch on.

"Eteled?! CM?!" Sam yelled.

They both jumped, startled by the sudden yelling. They froze, unsure of what to say or do.

"Are either of you going to explain what the hell that was?!" She asked.

They looked at each other anxiously. Eteled sighed and responded.

"Were dating." He said.

There was a moment of tension filled silence between the three.

"I have so many questions." she replied.

Both Eteled and Austin groaned quietly.

She proceeded to ask the both of them a bunch of questions, to which they answered (most) truthfully. Eventually she had ran out of questions (for now), and decided to leave the two alone for a while.

Austins pov

Finally. That felt like fucking trivia.

"So.. She knows now." Eteled stated.

"Yay." I groaned unenthusiasticly, making him giggle.

"At least we don't have to hide it anymore." He assured.

"True." I replied, pulling him closer.

He wrapped his arms around my neck, and I placed my hands on his waist, pulling him a little closer.

"You wanna finish what you started?" I asked.

He smirked, pulling me in for a second kiss. We spent the next half-hour making out. After a while, we both got kind of tired, so we decided to sleep for a while. He rested his head against my chest, falling asleep almost instantly. I giggled, soon after falling asleep.



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