No homo

882 22 22

Context: they hate each other but they're also gay for each other

3'rd person

Tw: swearing, dropping someone (does that need a tw?/gen)

Eteled was wandering around the mii channel, bored.

He was mindlessly walking around in circles, waiting for Sam as per usual.

What he hadn't noticed was that Austin was now in the mii channel.

Eventually he stopped for a second to yawn. When he did this, Austin had walked up behind him.

He was just about to continue walking again when Austin picked him up by the legs and back.

"Hello again henry~" He cooed, smiling with his usual sadistic smile.

He noticed Eteleds face turn red, confusing him.
He thought for a moment.

And then he realised.

He was carrying him bridal style.

He then dropped eteled, stating,

"No homo nope nope no no no."

Even though he was in fact having his own gay panic.

Eteled landed on his back with a thud.

"OW! You're literally gay too! Dumbass." Eteled retaliated, annoyed.

Austin let out an obviously overdramatic gasp while holding his hand to his chest.

"Gay?! How dare you. I am pansexual thank you very much!" He said jokingly.

"Close enough. Now fuck off so I can be in pain in peace." said Eteled.

"Finee." He replied, rolling his eyes as he teleported back into the electric chair room.

Eteled groaned and lied down where he already was.

Eventually he fell asleep despite the pain in his back.

HAPPY PRIDE MONTH BITCHES 😩😩💅💅🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧🏳️‍⚧

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