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Context: they're dating
Cw: they're literally doing the devils tango in the start, angst, mentions of SA

(Sorry about making so many of my recent stories abt Austin being trans but my gender dysphoria has been really bad lately sos)

Austin's Pov

He grabbed my hips, pulling me up towards his m3mber.
"Fuck- you're strong." I chuckled with arousal.
"I try my best." He smirked, lining himself up.

He harshly shoved him$elf in, making by brain pause. Usually I'd wince, or mo@n. But nothing.

I felt my heart rate increasing rapidly, but I brushed it off as the h0rnyn3ss (yes I know that's not a word, shut up) getting to me.

"Do you need to adjust or should I just go?" He asked.
"Nah, it's fine. You can start." I replied.

I hoped that the heart rate would decrease a little; at this rate I felt like I was gonna pass out.

"You sure?" He asked, to which I nodded. He slowly started thrv$ting, but quickly picked up the speed.

I wh!ned feeling him ins!de of me until I got a flash. A memory. A bad memory.

I brushed it off as an intrusive thought and hoped it would just go away on its own. But I got another. And another. Each time getting more and more clear.

I felt panic set in as my voice grew quiet.
"Wait, stop." I said. Immediately, he stopped and pulled halfway out; not all the way out though since I tended to say stop even when I didn't mean it.

"You alright?" He asked. I stayed silent, inching away. He pulled out and placed me on the bed.

"Austin?" He continued. His voice seemed to get further and further away as flashes became images which came together, creating a video.

"Austin are you hallucinating again?" He questioned in a serious tone. I couldn't respond.

"Austin!.." His words faded out as the scene became more and more realistic.

"Oh Allison~" A voice spoke. I shot up, seeing someone. I looked down at my hands, seeing myself in my human form when I was around 15.

"It's getting sad now, really. This whole "I'm not a girl!" Façade. Why don't you let me show you what a real man is, Hm, little lady~?" He spoke again.

Wait, I don't remember this? But why is it so familiar?.

"Get the fuck away from me." I demanded. He tutted, moving closer.
"Naughty girl Allison.. seems like you need to be punished~!" He continued. I pushed myself into the backboard.

"That's not my name." I growled.
"Sweetie, you're just confused. Let me fix that for you." He explained, pouncing on me.

He grabbed my wrists but I quickly kicked him hard in the stomach, sending him to the other side of the bed.

I held him down by the throat and lifted and arm to punch him; pausing once I heard a voice.

"Austin! Please, don't!" He begged. Just then, the hallucinations stopped, and I had Eteled pinned down.

"Holy shit. I- I'm so sorry! Are you alright?!" I profusely apologised, letting go of him.

"Did I hurt you? Are you alright? I'm so sorry I didn't mean for this to happen!. I-"
"Austin. I'm fine. I'm just a little bruised, honestly. Are you alright?" He replied, resting his hand on my cheek.

I stayed quiet. I didn't wanna answer. He moved closer, pulling his pants up.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked. I shook my head 'no'.

"Do you wanna call it a night?" He inquired. I nodded.
"Alright." He replied in an almost whisper; kissing my forehead gently.

My head fell onto the soft pillow amongst his.

"I love you." He pecked my lips softly. I giggled, pulling him closer.
"Love you too." I smiled.

Austeled one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now