
544 13 10

Context: they're nearly friends

Austins pov

Me and Eteled were sitting in the mii channel.

We were a few feet from each other, talking about random shit.

Eventually it got to a point where it felt like every topic of conversation was already used, so we just sat in silence.

Not one of those awkward silences, but it was somewhat comforting, despite the annoying muffled music in the background.

I couldn't help but smile.

I haven't felt this kind of comfort before.

It was all new to me.

It was.. nice.

I closed my eyes, feeling myself drifting off.

Just as I feel my consciousness leave me, I feel something hit my back. I turned my head back to see Eteled leaning against me, almost like a cat.

I took a look closer and noticed how tired he looked. He looked as if he was ready to pass out any second.

I sat still for a second, admiring him. Y'know, for a literal murderer, he's really not that bad.

Hes almost cute.


I moved away slightly, causing him to flinch.

I turned around to face him.

"Sorry.." He apologised.

I giggled and wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him onto my lap.

He let out a little yelp, unexpecting what had just happened.

We both just stared at each other for a second.

He looked away suddenly, his face turning red.

Was he blushing?

I couldn't help but giggle again.

He smiled, quickly covering it with his hand.

I brushed his hand away, cupping his head in my hand.

He stayed still for a second, processing the situation. He then closed his eyes and smiled, resting his head on my hand.

I felt his body go limp, indicating he'd fell asleep. I pulled him closer and placed his head onto my chest. I soon after fell asleep, feeling all senses wash away.

Austeled one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now