Eteleds crush (Remake Pt. 3)

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I immediately looked up at him, keeping my arms near my head just in case.

"Y-you heard that..?" I felt both fear and flustered in that moment. God I wanted to disappear.

"Yep. Came for a fight, overheard you being all weird with Sam and couldn't help but eavesdrop." He adjusted, sitting on his knees. "Never expected a love confession about me, though."

He laughed, not his usual pity or annoyed laugh. A soft one. A genuine one.
"I-I uhm.." I stuttered.
"It's not like I haven't heard you j3rking it while moaning my name anyway. So I'm not all that surprised." He added.

I flush a deep red, burying my head in my hands, keeping my knees close to my chest. I wanted to apologise. I wanted to hide. I didn't know what was going to happen next. Nothing good I predicted.

"Calm down short-stack. I'm not mad. I know, how rare, right? Which reminds me, how did you even manage to fall for me? I mean, unless you have some weird ass kink or something.."

I glance up at him, giving him a look that says; "yeah, no shit mate"; he notices this.
"Wooowww. I don't know why I'm so surprised, honestly." He leaned in closer. "Doll face has a crush on my because of a little kink~! How adorable."

He placed a finger on my jaw, making me look up at him. I flushed as I looked up at him.
"I didn't take you for the kinky type.." He looks me up and down, letting out a chuckle. "I'm almost impressed."

I huff. "What did you take me here for. I know you pushed me into the delete icon. Did you really bring me here just to 'flirt'?"
"Ohhh right." He smirked. "I brought you here, for this.."

He starts to lean in closer, gently cupping my head in his hand. My heart races and I can't help but stare at his lips. Before I can even process what is going on, he kisses me softly.

The moment was so surreal. All of my fantasies I dared not to talk about felt like they were coming true. I didn't hesitate to kiss back, placing a hand on his chest.

He was a lot more gentle than I thought he'd be. I thought he'd be at least a little forceful, but his movements were gentle and almost caring.

After about 5 seconds, although it get like a millennia, the kiss broke. He stayed close to me though, pressing our foreheads together.

"Y'know.. for someone like you, you're not all that bad of a kisser~!" His voice was soft, almost a whisper.
"Y-You're not so bad yourself-" I tried my hardest not to stutter, feeling my heart exploding inside my chest.

He makes a little satisfied noise. "If I wasn't that bad, you wouldn't mind another kiss, would you~?" His lips were almost touching mine. I could feel his hot breath on my face.

"I-I don't m-mind.." I stammered. He smiled wider.
"Atta boy..~" He moved in to kiss me again, this time for longer.

It felt like fireworks were going off inside me. I practically melted into his touch. I couldn't resist the warmth between us. It was intoxicating.

I bit back what my thoughts were telling me to do; to shove my tongue downhisthroatandmakehimchokeonitand-

.. Ahem. You get the idea.

I shoved down.. those.. thoughts. And after a short while, the kiss parted. I already knew my face was a deep red, no use hiding it.

"God, your face is so red. How cute~" He teased.
"I hate you." My voice was full of embarrassment.
"Do you though? Do you really?" He smirked. I didn't respond, making him giggle. "That's what I thought."

He kissed me on the forehead, before standing up.
"See you later, pretty boy~!" Before I could respond, he teleported away.

I took a moment to reflect on what just happened. . .


Okay- calm it.

I felt my face go bright red as the reality of the situation set it. I just kissed my enemy. Or should I say, he kissed me.

I just sat there for a moment, taking it all in. I flattened my legs out along the cold metal floor, tipping my head up to the ceiling and lied against the side of the bed.

I felt my coded heart start to beat faster in my chest. I felt a smile creep onto my face. I felt my face go red.

I covered my face with my hands, bringing my knees to my chest again. I chuckled to myself. God, I'm so fucking gay-

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