Tired Austin (gayyyyyy)

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3rd person

Austin was chasing eteled, they were both sprinting.

Eventually Austin caught up, pouncing on eteled.

They both fell forward, Austin landed on top of him, with his arms tightly wrapped around his waist.

They were both exhausted and needed a minute to breathe.

Eteled tried to get away while Austin kept a firm grip on him.

Austin then buried his head into the soft fabric of Eteleds sweatshirt, breathing heavily.

This caused eteled to stop fighting against Austin, he both knew that it was futile to even try, but also that he couldn't help but get a little flustered by this.

He could feel Austins hot breath against his back, only adding to the butterflies in his stomach.

"..  Comfy.." Austin mumbled, soon after falling asleep.

Eteled quite literally flushed hearing this.

He covered his face, embarrassed.

And since Austin didn't get much sleep to begin with, eteled knew he'd be there for a while.

Sorry it's short :(

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