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Context: they're dating (the start is Austin as a teenager though)
Tw: verbal abuse, physical abuse, transphobia.

Austin's Pov

I was stood quietly in front of the bathroom mirror, scissors in hand. The floor was covered in dark brown hair. Half down, half to go.

I grabbed a chunk of my hair and began cutting. Skkr, skkr, skkr, snip! I dropped the hair onto the floor. I continued to hack off my hair until it looked good enough.

You could clearly tell I'd done it myself, but I didn't think I'd done that terrible of a job. Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Allison! Allison! Are you in there?" My dad called out. I went silent with panic. My mind had completely blanked about my dad.

"Allison! What are you doing in there?!" He asked, displeased with the lack of an answer.

"Nothing!!" I yelled in a panic.
"Allison." I froze at his sudden change in tone.

"Open the door."
I didn't reply, quickly trying to think of a way to get out of the bathroom unnoticed.

"Allison. Do NOT make me repeat myself." He growled.

At this point I was considering jumping out of the fucking window, although I was on the 3rd floor, so it wouldn't have been a smart idea.

(I hc his dads rich because he was able to afford a bunch of therapists for Austin)

"Okay! Okay! Jeez.." I sighed, knowing he wasn't bluffing because he had done it before.

I dubiously unlocked the door, opening it to reveal my newly cut hair.

"I cut my hair, what does it look like?" I replied sarcastically, trying to hide my fear.

"DO NOT GIVE ME THAT TONE YOUNG LADY." He screamed, yanking me by the hair.
"OW! LET GO!" I cried. Next thing I knew, I was thrown to the ground by the hair.

"I TOLD YOU YOU WERENT ALLOWED TO CUT YOUR HAIR, YOU UNGRATEFUL BITCH!" He wailed, a Look of pure anger in his eyes.

I could feel my heart beating in my chest.
"DAD PLEASE-" I tried to stand up, only to be met with a slap so hard I fell to the ground again.

Tears stung my eyes as I looked up at him pitifully.
"You disobey me over and over again. I think it's time you learned your lesson." He scowled, slowly walking towards me.

And then.. nothing.

"Austin?" A voice called, snapping me out of my memories.
"Oh, hey. Sorry-" I apologised.
"It's fine. But, are you alright?" Eteled asked.

"Yeah, why?"
"Because you were mumbling to yourself." I went quiet, looking away awkwardly.

"Austin.." He frowned.
"It's fine, really." I smiled. He sighed in response. He gently cupped my head in his hands, kissing me on the lips.

"You promise?." He asked.
"I promise." I giggled, kissing him again.
"Alright. I believe you." He sighed, smiling slightly.

69th part guyss 😍

Austeled one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now