Broken mug

368 11 11

Cw: trauma, domestic abuse ext
Context: they're dating (they're in a house cuz yeah)
3rd person

Eteled was sat in the kitchen, by the counter, drinking a cup of tea.
Austin walked in, grabbing something from the fridge.
"Hey Aust." He started.
"Hey." Austin responded quietly, sitting beside Eteled.

"Is that tea?"
"British ass." He joked.
Eteled rolled his eyes, setting the tea down beside him.

"I'm tiredd." Eteled groaned.
"Same. But I'm also fuckin' bored." Austin replied.

"Yeah, well so are the readers. We gotta do something." He sighed.
"We could fuck." He answered, half joking.
"I think we're both too tired for that."

They both sat there quietly for a moment. Eteled sighed, flattening his arms along the counter.

In doing this, he accidentally knocked the cup off of the counter, smashing it along the floor.

They both jumped, startled by the sudden noise. They both went silent.

"Fuck. I- I'm so sorry I didn't mean to. I-It was an accident I-I'm sorry- I didn't- I just.." Eteled began to profusely apologise, his pleas becoming more shaky and desperate.

"Hey, hey. Et. It's okay-" Austin assured, reaching out to comfort him.

Out of habit, Eteled flinched harshly, putting his hands over his head as he almost fell off the chair.

Austin realised what was happening, and pulled his hand away.
Eteled slowly lowered his arms in confusion and fear.

"I'm not gonna hurt you Et. You're safe." Austin assured.
"Y-you pro-omise?." He asked, his words clearly breaking.

"I promise." Austin reassured, taking Eteleds hand in his own. Austin smiled softly at Eteled, giving him butterflies.

"Now, c'mon. I gotta pick up the shards of glass before someone steps on them." He said, letting go of Eteleds hand.

Austin began to carefully pick up the remainders of the mug, placing them in his opposite hand.

"D-do you need any help?" Eteled offered.
"No, it's fine. Plus you're more likely to cut your hand on the glass." He replied, grabbing the rest and putting it in the trash.

"Do you want another drink or-?"
"N-no. It's f-fine. I just wanna go to bed. I feel sick."
"Sick? Are you sure you don't want some water?"
"I'm sure. I just wanna go to bed."

"Okay then darling." He replied, kissing him on the forehead and taking his hand, directing him to the bedroom.

They got into bed together, Austin pulling the sheets over the two.

Eteled instantly cuddled up into Austin, snuggling his head into Austin's chest.
"Well you sure are tired-" He joked.
Eteled groaned weakly in response.

"Well, sweet dreams, darling."

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