Me, or bl0wj0b$?

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Cw: sexual themes, self doubt, overthinking, touch starved miis 🤩
Context: they're friends with benefits.

3rd person

Austin was the type to overthink. A lot. Usually it would be more about the things that had happened to him when he was younger. But not this time.

This time, it was about himself and Eteled. They'd forgiven each other ages ago. They'd grown close. Very close.

There would be times when the other needed a little "help with something". And the other would be there to "help them out". But once it was over, there was nothing more. Nothing.. romantic.

And they were both fine with that. It's not that, that would get to Austin. It was the overthinking. The lack of self worth.

He liked the "help". What he didn't like was there was no aftercare. He didn't think he'd be that bothered by it, but he was.

He loved physical attention, as did Eteled. But Austin craved it. What he would give to cuddle with Eteled, if even for just a few minutes. But he was always too stubborn to ask for it. They weren't dating after all. Just friends.

He almost felt like his only use was for in bed. And nothing more. It got to him.

He suddenly snapped back into reality, sighing deeply.

"You alright there?" Eteled asked.
"Yeah, just zoned out for a minute." Austin replied awkwardly.
"You sure?"
"If you say so.."

There was a brief moment for silence between the two.

"Hey. I have a question." Austin stated suddenly.
"Would you rather give up bl0wj0b$, or me?" He asked.

"Why?-" Eteled questioned.
"I'm just.. curious."
"Oh, don't think I'm falling for that bullshit Aust. Really, why do you ask?"

"Honestly! I'm just curious is all! And plus, why do you need to know why I'm asking?? Is it gonna change your answer to my question?" Austin interrogated.

"Well, yeah??" Eteled chuckled.
"Then I'm definitely not telling you!" Austin replied.
"Oh c'mon!"
"How would my answer change yours anyways??"

"Well, if you're actually asking out of curiosity like you say you are, then I'd say 'you', to piss you off. But if you were genuinely asking, then I'd say bl0wj0b$." Eteled explained.

Austin's eyes lit up briefly as he blushed before he snapped out of it.

"Stupid question honestly." Eteled chuckled again.
"Y-yeah. Sorry." Austin apologised.
"It's fine dumbass." He forgave.

"You gonna tell me why you were asking yet, orrr?" He asked. Austin stayed quiet.
"Aust?" He mumbled, turning all the way to face him, seeing glistening tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Heyy. Hey, Austin. What's wrong?" He panicked slightly.
"Ah.. shit. I'm- I'm fine, just.. stupid overthinking again. Nothing out of the ordinary." He laughed, trying to play it off as the hint of pain lingered in every note he made.

He was caught by surprise by Eteled hugging him tightly. They both went silent for a moment before Austin's shaky breathing because noticeable.

He hugged Eteled tightly, letting the tears roll down his face.
"You wanna talk about it?" Eteled asked.

"I.. I need physical attention. I constantly crave it but I'm always telling myself that it's selfish and stupid n' shit. And it's e-even worse after something sexual! I- I don't wanna ask for it. I'm too fucking stubborn to ask for it. And I know we're only friends but it would be nice if maybe once in a while we c-could hug. Or hold hands. Is.. is that selfish?.."

The room one again went silent, for much longer this time until Austin heard a sniffle come from Eteled.

"I thought I was the only one who felt that way.." He giggled as tears stabbed his eyes too.

He pulled away from the hug to wipe his eyes with his hands.
"Fuck.. now I'm getting all teary-eyed now too." He sniffed.
He looked up at Austin and saw him smiling widely down at him.

Not one of those goofy or sadistic smiles.
A smile you can't help but make.
A smile you only make when you feel pure genuine joy.

"Mmh. Sorry for my little meltdown." He apologised, turning his head away. Eteled cupped Austin's head in his hand, turning his head to face him.

"Don't apologise for having emotions and basic human needs dipshit." Eteled laughed, kissing Austin on the lips.

Austin practically melted into Eteleds touch, deepening the kiss until they both needed to breathe.

Austin was sat there confused and flustered while Eteled just chuckled at Austin's reaction.
"I- I uhm..." Austin stuttered, completely red faced.

"Aust. We've kissed before?? What's so special about now??"
"YEAH, SEGGSUALLY. NOT ROMANTICALLY??" Austin replied, hiding his face in his hands.

"Dumbass." He smiled.


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